The Healer | Full Drama Movie | Oliver Jackson-Cohen | Camilla Luddington

The Healer – A man discovers that he has the family gift of healing. As he struggles to understand his new reality, a cancer patient inspires him to believe, and by helping others, he will find his life purpose.
2016. Stars: Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Jonathan Pryce, Camilla Luddington
**Under license from Vision Films Inc. All rights reserved**

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  1. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

    1 Corinthians 10:13

  2. Amazing story. good movie. What a blessing for this man to help others and bring a young girl away from cancer. He asked God to help him when he needed him most. Then a miricle happened he understood helping others was worth it.

  3. Thank you! Love is what it's all about. Love is the great healing gift, given to us by God, the Creator of all good things! "God is love and he that abideth in love, abideth in God and God in him."β€οΈπŸ™πŸ˜˜πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•―οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ

  4. I don't know how can I found such this movie. In this past few days, I felt so stress and deperessed because of many things in my mind, I try to make it end this bad feeling by reflecting my past life experience, And then I realise that God has given me a wonderful life, It was not my authority to live as my own, I believe that God has special gift to his beloved creation. So then, I feel be optimist for my life forward. Thank You, Greeting for peace, Hoping that the world full of meaningful life from every human kind.

  5. Cancer had been curable since 1934!! Cancer associations do not want you to know. they are a money machine!! Gerson Therapy, Gary Tunsky – What the Cell is going on?, Victoria Boutenko, Dr Alan Goldhamer on fasting, do some research. Why are we still putting our children through chemo therapy = mustard gas!!!

  6. Do not bring biblical verses for this movie. This has nothing to do with biblical truth. This movie is a mixtura of new age and may other religios. No connnection with God described in Biblie. The Satan is albe to make miracles also. The real test is not ability to make miracles but the teology which suport them.

  7. His initial reactions are very understandable. Who wouldn't freak out at first, I know I would. But… his selfishness saw to it that it took longer for him to come to terms with his God-given gift. I would thank God on my bare knees if He were to give me the gift of healing. And for those shouting 'blasphemy'… Jesus himself said: β€œTruly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these…". (John 14:12). Use the gift(s) God gives you well and for good only. Jesus is LORD!

  8. Great movie. How I wish to meet the healer last year if he/she exist and cure my brother. He is really a fighter.
    He fight really hard. August 18, 2021, he died of lung cancer. Still very hard for me till today. Keep on thinking I could have done better, taking care of him. Question myself have I really done the best. He is my only brother. It really hurt me losing my only brother till today and I really feel bad with my parents as they lost their only son. Pray for his soul. Rest in peace my dear brother. I hope you are no more in pain.

  9. The gift of healing comes from fidelity through repentance and redemption through Messiah and not because of DNA or anyone pagan who has not crossed over. This movie is blasphemy!

  10. This is the exact moment when a new guy specially who looms hot and handsome doesn't find his way our so straight due to the fact that his friends tend to pull off his leg due to their own benefits but at the same time that very hot handsome guy make take things personally. At the end a mature angel whispers in my ears" Hey, don't take things personal but start educating yourself on how to not be a straight tree. You've got to learn an art of worldliness . Option 2: Be sweet and compassionate to others and don't let them take your benefit of your sweetness.

    In this movie, I just love a small portion where a man fights taking his stand. In this small scenario, women who take stand are often being listened to so quickly while it often takes time to listen,understand and help men's needs. I am very sorry to say but it came naturally from my experience.


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