God does not leave his own child.James ran away from God because of untenable reasons, Yet God did not cast him away even …


  1. Was deeply touched by the message. May we not in a bid to chastise a fellow believer completely push him/her to the devil.

    I pray God gives us a heart like his in Jesus name, amen!

  2. Thanks for making my day with this wonderful peace, the part that really made me laugh is where the sister went making negative incantations against Brother James in the bush due to her jealousy, envy and selfish ambition, the funny part of it is that she actually ended the incantation by saying in Jesus name. So i am like " biko" which jesus, i think somepeople can actually be foolish enough to do such a thing . Nice one thanks for uploading, More Grace and Inspiration.

  3. Wow this is very interesting, full of wisdoms
    1: Good example of complete hatred, jealousy and hypocrisy inside the Church.
    2: instead of helping one another to stand firm ( watching one another's back) we rather take Glory in one another's fall just because our own sin is not yet exposed. 3: As Christians we must try to forgive ourselves and move on so that we wax stronger in faith.
    4: we must be vigilant as Christians, cause the accuser is looking for the slightest opportunity to bombard with guilt.
    5: As Believers we must stop thinking that our fellow Brethren is out shinning us, there is room for everyone to shine, stop being envious.
    6: we have to be careful because that little action of hatred, envy unforgiveness, carelessness, can lead to damnation.
    7: procrastination can be dangerous, tomorrow might be too late, it is better now than later. Curious to see the sister who laid cause on brother James now crying that he is dead, isn't that what she wanted? Could that be tears of repentance or hypocrisy? I mean she wanted him out of the way now he is out why the tears ? Just trying to view this from a real point of view, cause such things happens often, many people takes dangerous actions in their moments of weaknesses only to realise the repercussion of their actions too late.Quiet touching, Great job. Thanks for uploading, More Grace and Inspirations.


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