A powerful reading of some of the most inspiring verses from the Bible. Read by Shane Morris. #jesus #wisdom #christianity.


  1. The start of a new mini video series ‘Meditations from Scripture’ giving voice to some of the most inspiring verses from all of Scripture. This one features some of the most powerful verses from the Bible …

    "…therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

  2. So 5 years ago I asked God to control my life so he did but I went through alot only to be present today, so I prayed and ask God what I must do now and I heard a voice saying I must sick his dick I dismissed then got a loving spirit come within me for gods dick so I denied.

  3. The world is at war! See the bloody history of mankind and their conquest over meek. Why God is silent? Do God love that?

    "He who has eyes can see the sickening sight;
    Why does not God set his creatures right?
    If his wide power no limit can restrain,
    Why is his hand so rarely spread to bless?
    Why are all his creatures condemned to pain?
    Why does he not to all give happiness?
    Why do fraud, lies, and ignorance prevail?
    Why triumphs falsehood — truth and justice fail?
    I count your God one the unjust among
    Who made a world in which to shelter wrong."
    — Bhuridatta Jataka(Buddha)

  4. Let Us Prey
    The church of Rome
    With the cross on the dome
    And the cardinals in robes and slippers It’s a cardinal sin,
    But the cardinals grin
    And continue unzipping their zippers
    With the Sunday collection To enhance the erection
    Of churches far and wide While the altar boys
    Are used as toys
    And the fact of it always denied
    And the virgin birth
    For what it’s worth
    Tho’ it remains a glorious mystery You can take my word
    It’s never occured Throughout recorded history
    Your faith has been tested
    If you’ve been molested While in their spiritual care Although it’s frightening It’s also enlightening
    So now that you’re made aware
    I urgently urge ye
    Avoid the clergy
    And all that they represent The fate of the soul
    Is not the main goal
    They have a much darker intent.
    Gerald P.


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