When no one else would stop to help the man beaten by robbers, the Good Samaritan had pity on him (Luke 10:33). In the same …


  1. I'm so thankful for Jesus and the Cross where my Lord suffered and died. He promised in the gospel John 16:8-15 the function of His Holy Spirit to everyone who would receive him into their heart as the. Perfect Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. And promised us the Holy Spirit. He would be the one who convinces each person about many things. John 16:8-15 What things
    that would help each believer to know how to live a victorious life in him. Everyone will be at a different place in their walk with Jesus. He does not condeem anyone at some aledged place another feels they are at. That is between the person and the Holy Spirit. God's love for his children is strong and just. His love is the balancing scale of justice. And one knowing how much God loves him causes the believer to want to obey Him. So yes though not perfected in our conditional state Jesus gives his people a fresh start daily. Because his tender mercies and compassions fail not. And are new every day.
    Thank you Jesus for making the way by way of the Cross for us to see your greatest expression of your great love by becoming our sin offering so the believer could experience eternal abundant life in you and your finished work. Love you Jesus.

  2. אדוני, אני מתפלל להתחדשות רוחנית ואני מבקש ממך לכוון את צעדיי כשאני מתמודד עם כל היריבים. תודה שיש לך מערכת יחסים איתי אמן

  3. Try as I may? It's extremely challenging to love some of our neighbours right now. Really testing my maturity levels here. This Pryde Ideology we see nowadays is unlike anything I could have ever possibly imagined. Our demonic Canadian government is destroying Canadians lives with vigor and pride. I'm angry. Repulsed by certain communities. The 2024 Olympics opening ceremonies? Sweet Jesus they know not what they do. Heavenly Father. Please guide me to an attitude of gratitude for all mankind. Help me not lose my mind and cool. Dear merciful Lord I love you so. In Jesus name, Amen 🙏 ✝️ 🕊️

  4. 神の前になかなか、砕かれない人は、救いが欲しいのではなくて、自分を立派にして欲しいと思っているのではないかと思います。だから、罪が分からないのでしょう。

  5. “But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge.”

  6. Amen to God 😊100%❤ loves❤ you 😊❤ ( John 3:16😊❤) and there are still many good Samaritan(s) out there. Amen to friuits( Galatians 5:22❤-23❤) of the Holy Spirit ( our helper 😊❤in Christ). He holds you on palm of His hands and we in Christ are apples in God's eyes❤. Jesus paid in full on the cross 😊❤ for humanity❤ and thank God for Jesus😊1st❤'s resurrection which you ❤ and I ❤ Jesus' hope ❤ in Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ. God loves you😊❤. You( We😊❤'s) valuable to God of the Bible in Christ..amen to go to church next Sunday ❤ too in Christ. Thank you Franklin Graham for saying God 😊100%❤loves❤ you❤( John 3:16😊❤). He does ❤.

  7. This message touches my heart. It's a powerful reminder of Christ's love for each of us. In today's world, we need this lesson of compassion more than ever. Thank you for sharing this timeless sermon that still speaks to us today.

  8. Luke 4:1-13( The temptation of Jesus😊1st❤)

    Luke 4:1-13
    " 4 And Jesus(😊1st❤) full of the Holy Spirit(😊❤), returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for forty ( 40 ) days, being tempted by the devil( no good).
    And he ( Jesus😊1st❤ who is good 😊1st❤ in Christ) ate nothing during those days( 40 days). And when they wered ended, he( Jesus😊1st❤) was hungry.
    3 The devil said to him( Jesus😊1st❤), if you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread."
    4 And Jesus😊1st❤ answered him,
    " It is written, ' Man shall not live by bread alone.'
    5 And the devil took him( Jesus😊1st❤) up and show him(Jesus😊1st❤) all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said to him( Jesus😊1st❤), " To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me and I give it to whom I will.
    7 If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours."
    8 And Jesus(😊1st❤) answered him, " It is written:
    " ' You shall worship(😊❤) the Lord your God(😊❤), and him only shall you serve(😊❤).' "

    9 And he( the devil ) took him( Jesus😊1st❤ our Lord and our savior in Christ) to Jerusaelm and set him(Jesus😊1st❤) on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him(Jesus😊1st❤),
    " If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here,
    10 for it is written
    " ' He will command his angels concerning you to guard you, '

    11 and " ' On their hands they will bear you up,
    lest you strike your foot against a stone.' "

    12 AndJesus(😊1st❤) answered him, " It is said,

    ' You shall not put the Lord your God(😊❤) to the test.' "
    13 And when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from him(Jesus😊1st❤) until an oppotune time. "
    ( Luke 4:1-13 ESV Study Bible. All parenthesis parts and symbols in Christ😊❤ also for 😊❤and in 😊❤ Christ Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ😊❤.


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