The Girl Behind the Door | Full Movie

In a room behind a door, a young woman named Sylvie adventures through the depths of her own heart. She builds a world that …


  1. This is so wonderful for me who spend years in abusive relationship,I always felt I deserve the abuse because I thought I wasn't good enough.but something always told me that I was good enough and deserve better man who will love me like Christ love us. I took the bold decision to leave after he beat me up one night. I don't have money or house to stay with my two children am at my friend's house but I know my Lord Jesus will work things out for me. most times I feel like going back, I am always crying.

  2. Although I am not a religious person per se, I found this movie to be absolutely incredible. Lasting the dancing the singing and the purpose of it was outstanding I'm wondering who wrote it I'd love to say thank you. I am a poet and I wrote a poem called the girl behind the door because I to live behind the door. Is there someone that I might be able to send that poem?

  3. Thank you Lord 🙏❤
    I have been feeling so down lately , i try to believe in myself that i can do do but sometimes when i fail in life i use to stay away from God, i doubt myself and i always have negative thoughts ,but now because of God grace i can fight with all the negativity and promise myself that no matter how many i fail and no matter what situation or problem i face i will always trust in God and never give up and i will keep on fighting .Thank you God ❤🙏

  4. Wow this movie has solved the dilemma in my life. I thank God l have landed on it at the right moment of my life. Thanks whoever is along God to use the create such reality movies❤❤❤

  5. Honestly, downloading this movie; I was expecting something different, but it came out much more than expected ❤❤❤❤❤ nice movie so far,
    Some door can make you loose many people who are ment to be in your life ❤❤

  6. Gorgeous movie talk about girl who is in conflict between fear and and bravery she want to get away from the cycle of anxiety
    The producer of the film is very smart he sent great message through this movie because he make the scene in its right moments he relates the scarceness with the night and the enjoyment with th morning this is generally what happened to anybody the depression fear anxiety all in come in the night and the best things come with the sunshine also he gives a good message that is we should not stop fighting our fears ,also keep learning how to be braves the life is beautiful just avoid overthinking and remove the negativity of your life🌹🥀


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