The Fruit of the Spirit is a single entity with nine components. While tongues and power are important markers of the Spirit in your …


  1. For the woman asking about speaking in tongues at the end, if you’re reading this or if anyone similar is wondering about tongues, I would recommend reading 1 Corinthians 14. The whole chapter. Paul speaks about what truly matters and how we need to think as adults, in maturity. Tongues is for us and our relationship with God, it’s a gift of the Spirit— it’s not evidence of Christ’s love working within us. If you’re wondering why others can and you can’t, ask for the gifting if it’s God’s will. But don’t think if you don’t have it, you aren’t gifted or a “real” Christian. You are known by your fruit, not by your Spiritual gifts. Your gifts are God given for God’s purposes. Ask and you’ll be given what you don’t have. But instead ask for heart transformation to bear fruit which is the true sign of the Holy Spirit working within you. The fruit will then help you utilize your gifts accordingly. Stay blessed. ❤

  2. Excellent teaching! We have to get back to the basics and I've been enjoying this new style of WNBS. Love this Dr Ellis! I've shared the video with some sisters as well.

  3. I’m a new Christian. I got baptized on oct 20 2022. I’m learning so much. I listen to this song everyday but this morning I’m crying so hard. I’m 47 years old with 5 kids 5 grandchildren. Spent most of my life in addictions jail. I thank Jesus everyday for forgiveness and mercy. I’m so blessed to have Jesus as my lord and saviour


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