The Flash Movie Trailer Reaction and Thoughts

FLASH 2023 Trailer Reaction. Kwing looks at the NEW Flash Trailer featuring the End of Ben Affleck’s Batman. Barry Allen Travels …


  1. They have to throw a dozen memberberries to try to hold this up. I could pass on the Kryptonian invasion crap, and all the what-ifs crowded into one film. We have seen everything that there is, everything besides the Keaton and Affleck Batmans is going to be garbage.

  2. Promising is the best way to describe it. This trailer looks really great but I could also easily see the movie being a complete train wreck, so I’m not getting my hopes up too much. Also if this really is Ben’s final performance as Batman, I hope he plays a significant role and gets some good scenes, maybe even alongside Keaton

  3. Still going to wait until Luke and other based trustworthy sources say good things about the final product before I check it out myself.

    Also, while Keaton does look cool, it does seem a bit premature to compare a few seconds of trailer footage to a full on Batman fight scene. But here's hoping, with a healthy dose of cautious realism. (Mostly saying that last part because I don't feel like I've reached cautious pessimism yet. "Yet" being the key word, not that I want to reach that point.)

  4. This is also a Hard Re-boot, so we already know what happens to Ben, as well as Henry, Gal and everyone else, you see it dude, I'll lean into your opinion because I'm divested from it now I know that everyone is gone, including Keaton as well.

  5. To be honest I love this movie but that doesn't change anything else about what Erza miller did but I can just give a change of heart for Erza miller it's not his fault he's just mentality unstable It remind people of Robert Downey Jr where he used to be selling drugs in the 2000s he was a arrested to be honest.

  6. Has potential, but I was tricked by the Jurassic World trailer and will remain hesitant to buy into a movie based solely on the trailer since it could be cherrypicked footage and not accurately represent the final film.

    Still, what I saw does look good.

  7. I won't be seeing it. Ezra Millers allegations and how WB stands with criminals makes me sick. Don't support the film. I grew up with DC but this is the last nail in the coffin. The DCAU is the goat. Don't support criminals and have integrity.

  8. IDK suicide squad had a good trailer and look how that turned out, if batgirl and the others were cancelled for being bad then im expecting this to be just as bad but sets up the new DCU so they cant cancel it

  9. "People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self–fulfilling prophecy." –Tony Robbins


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