‘The Five’ co-hosts discuss police charging an illegal immigrant with the murder of a Georgia nursing student. #foxnews #fox …


  1. I guess Kemp felt like he had to say something about this. He has been silent on Trumps Georgia case being filed. He could have stopped it as complaining about elections are to be directed to Raffensberger.

  2. I’m just wondering, at what point do we stand up against this BS? Really, how many Americans have to die before the American People “Us” say enough is enough and put that 2nd amendment to use as it was intended for?

  3. Please stop putting on stupid people, like the girl in the black dress today ( 2/ 29 / 2024 ) lying and not truly knowing the truth!
    Please support Donald Trump to be our president again- NEXT!
    Joe Biden is nothing but a liar. Also, he can’t talk unless he is reading what he is saying , or it’s being secretly put in his ears.
    Watch him! There’s times he doesn’t have anything to read or listen to, and when he talks, he don’t know what to say, he stumbles all the time! He should never ever have been our president! And don’t forget to share how him and his son Hunter have secretly gotten over $5 million from China!

  4. AND TO THINK, women can watch this BUT STILL most women can’t wait to rush to the polls to vote straight democrat for their guaranteed freebees, love of abortions, and getting their worthless college degrees paid for!!😮😅😅😅😅🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 party on ladies… I better go to work so I can pay taxes for your stuff

  5. Harold is and idiot.
    Biden pulled back the laws in place when he took office to make sure this happened.

    This is such a joke and can be corrected now!!! The blame and solution is Biden to roll back his decisions to do this!! DEMS are the worst scum that want to make changes at the result of bad behavior, DEMS want this. They want criminals in the US – seriously think about it!

  6. Here's the truth 99.99% of the Problems in this Country begins with the leftist/democrat Party Everyone at the state and federal level and they have corrupted the legal system so you Can't get Justice there just look what they're doing to President Trump. We're at War and the American People are losing…

  7. Some streets of America have become dirty, graffiti ridden and full of people with no regard for life or personal property. Mental health is not taking center stage on the concerns of our "leaders" in government. 🤔There has to be HOPE somewhere, right?

  8. We can’t and won’t blame PRESIDENT BIDEN OR THE DEMOCRATS WE WILL BLAME TEXAS GOVERNOR Since the spring of 2022, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has admitted to facilitating the transport of more than 33,600 migrants to New York City without having the companies transporting those migrants pay for the cost of continued care in violation of New York's Social Services Law. NOW JOSE IBARRA CAME IN SEPTEMBER WHEN THE REPUBLICANS GOVERNOR WAS Bussing people to new york


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