Explore the intertwined histories and cultures of the major religions: Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.


  1. i find learning about all of them so fascinating. it's interesting to see how all of them boil down to the same idea — that there is something far greater than we are, and there have been aspects of this higher being sent to spread the word of their god. these words teach profound wisdom, but most of all, to be kind and compassionate and humble, and i really think thats beautiful. right now i'm not sure which religion i believe in exactly, but i feel as though there's something important to learn from each. perhaps the 'truth' meets somewhere in the middle 🙂

  2. By default, I respect people regardless of religion. I can never respect faith (sense 2. b (1) on Merriam Webster but substituting "proof" for "reasonable evidence" as nothing can be proven).

  3. Just to clarify, Jesus message wasn’t only about loving each other as he loves. Jesus said the kingdom of God has come near, repent and believe the good news. The good news being that he died and the sacrifice for our sins. Repent, turn your back on your sins, and trust in Jesus. For once you were lost but now you are found. And by grace we are saved not by works so no one shall boast.

  4. 18 CHAKRA system of LIGHT-SOUND MEDITATION 🧘‍♀️
    ⚛(the art of listening to the inner sound of consciousness)

    1️⃣. Sach Khanda➡️(in the beginning of creation was a sound, and the sound was with God and the sound was God )

    18. Radha soami, Jesus, Allah, SatPurush, Akaal Purush, Wahe Guru, consciousness (🎵sounds of consciousness in this region : bee humming, runjhun 126Hz)
    17. Anami
    16. Alakh
    15. Agam
    14. Satlok (🎵bean 108Hz)🌊 ocean of souls/atma/ consciousness ♾
    13. Bhavar Gufa (🎵 flute)

    ⚠️during Pralay or dissolution Pinda is destroyed and during Maha pralay or grand dissolution,everything from this region and regions under the domain of Kaal gets destroyed.

    —— separator Maha Sunna ——

    🔸️UNDER THE DOMAIN OF KAAL(time) and Yama :- ♻️
    2️⃣. Anda(subtle) and Bramhanda(causal)

    12. Sunna (🎵 sitar,Veena,sarengi 76Hz)
    11. TRIKUTI – #️⃣CAUSAL plain / AKASHIC records, UNIVERSAL MIND(🎵 drum, thunder)
    10. Sahasdal kamal (🎵 bell, sankha or conch ) #️⃣ASTRAL plain / Sensory subtle body
    9. Bramha lok (beginning) – created by kaal purush to create physical world
    8. Vishnu lok (middle)- created by kaal purush to sustain
    7. Shiv lok (end) – created by kaal purush to destroy

    —– separator Chidakasha ——–

    3️⃣. Pinda/ Physical world (energy centers of human body)

    6. Ajna (3rd eye) chakra – Seat of Jivatma or consciousness
    5. Visuddhi (throat) chakra
    4. Anahata (heart) chakra
    3. Manipura chakra
    2. Swadisthana chakra
    1. Muladhar chakra

    Reference: book " Ocean of Love" / " Anurag Sagar" by Kabir

    1. Dissolution,Akashik records, time travel, free will..

    2. What is life, 5 levels of consciousness

    3. 18 chakra system ( 6 of Pinda, 6 of Bramhanda, 6 of Sach Khanda) higher realms of consciousness 

    4. Meditation, initiation by Param Sant Satguru

    Updesh Radha Soami

    Sar Vachan Radha Soami Vartik




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