The Fighting Preacher

When Willard and Rebecca Bean are called on a mission to a town that’s hostile towards them, they must choose whether to fight …


  1. "This has been a hostile area for us."

    No shit! I'm not even LDS and I know they got pushed out down to Utah because they didn't like a 14-year-old making such claims without any evidence.

  2. That poor kid was doomed from the start and that awful name didn't do her any favors. I won't mention that any halfway intelligent person knows when they aren't welcome somewhere and when to LEAVE. I don't feel sorry for these people at all, that caused their own problems with ignorance and stubbornness. You need to leave when you aren't welcome. It's a harsh reality but that's the way it is. 'standing up' for yourself doesn't make you a good person, it makes you an idiot and a fool. Stay with your own kind, the world would be infinitely better if everyone did. There is a place for everybody, you just gotta go find it. These are good people that made bad choices.

  3. Mormon, not Christian. Mormon's deny the deity of Jesus. They also aren't so nice when it's you living in their community, or if you do something wrong while in their cult. The apostle Paul said, Do not have anything to do with anyone who preaches another gospel other than the one I taught you, even if from an angel, let them be eternally condemned. (Paraphrased) It's like Paul was looking right down history and saw the Mormons.

  4. Such a beautiful movie. It popped up on youtube and looked interesting. I didn't know it existed. Proof there are some free movie gems on youtube. Well acted and directed. A tearjerker from both ends. For the wrongs heaped upon them and the kindness they bestowed. This movie has the religious angle as well as other important life lessons intertwined with sports. Not easy to do and it's done well. Even those who only like sports would be pleased. The boxing scenes are realistic. This movie should be widely seen. The teachings are invaluable. Without being overbearing about CJCLDS or even religion but just human kindness and going the extra mile even when other parties seem (to me) undeserving. Perhaps there is a way to introduce it to school systems. Shown in auditoriums. Many youth (adults also) could benefit. Might even bring outsiders into your faith.

    I hope the classroom scenes were creative license and untrue. I don't know if there were laws to prevent cruelty towards children. I doubt it. Otherwise the teacher should have been let go or even brought to trial for participating and not intervening in the suffering of Palmyra.
    I don't recall any mention of the generosity and contributions of the wife Rebecca in the photos and captions with the credits. That's unfavorable.

    Some last bits. Good does not always prevail over evil as far as mortal lives are concerned. Love does not conquer all. There are honorable moral people killed which is proof of these statements. But…in the case of Missionary Willard Bean and his family…fortunately it did. Amen.

  5. I'm not a Mormon, but I've had friends who are. I thought this was a great movie & people should watch it. Learn to be decent human beings no matter what their faith is as long as they respect & treat each as a decent human should. I've had friends from many different faith & visited several though satanism I would object to & radical Muslim. I don't believe in most churches, but I believe God is everywhere. I have listened to Pastor Jack Gibbs on you tube & enjoy what he has to say. Seems pretty logical to me.

  6. Yes, be kind to one another. Treat others as you would want to be treated, but there are some who want to kill you , are bullies or tyrants. So with those, you have to beat them with superior strength. They cast the first stone and you will have to protect yourself, your family, your community and your country.

  7. At the end of this beautiful movie it mentions his four boys but nothing of his Daughter ? I was always taught that you can gain more with sugar and spice more often than with salt and pepper as it was proven here, the word of God comes in many forms of religion as it has been shown here. Today if we all took the time to show love of mankind the hate would disappear for sure

  8. Jesus tells us we are to love everyone Jesus also tells us that Mary was from the line of David in the holy spirit impregnated her and she had a son call Jesus who was half god and half man the Mormons don’t believe that that’s why we must be careful still love them but read God‘s word to them because they’re not being taught that😨

  9. Yes Mormons have great teachings but it is Mormon it is not a true Christianity because John Smith got some guide stones well the Bible says nothing of guidestones the holy Spirit shall guide you

  10. Jesus Christ was born through the lineage of Judah, not Ephraim, as the promised savior. When we love our neighbors as ourself we must be honest with them, if we are to be loyal to Jesus!

    There are many forms of love, as the heart is corrupt, as revealed to us by the Prophets! Be careful the love you express, as all love is not holy.

    Jesus told Pontius Pilate, "my kingdom is not of this world!" Why then would we desire to please the world, or the evil thereof?

    Movies may create perfect fantasies of love, hardship, success, passions, fulfillment of dreams, but the only perfect reality is the kingdom of God, which does not consist of human idolatry, creativity, property, possessions, movies, fantasies, which are of the world, but the still to know presence of eternal peace, which exists only in God's everlasting presence!

    Jesus told his disciples, that which is provided to you without cost, is to be given freely!
    And yet there are those who dare to charge!

    When our enemies are not with the savior, God, we are directed to shun them, that they may know they are disobedient, in hope their souls may be set free! It is never all right to join them in their sins! Never!

    We, like Jesus, must suffer hatred, persecution, crucifixion, death, and resurrection, of/from the world to be with him eternally, as he told us. Choose you today whom you will serve, Jesus, or fantasies of the world! Amen!

  11. i loved this movie.. when they were moving down the road, to go home, the teacher crossed her heart and my father , when he passed on,,, in 1981 at christmas , my dad crossed his heart to me , then the next day . he went home .
    this movie spoke about GODS LOVE TO ALL.😊RICHARD

  12. I am a convert to this Church of 27 years. And all I can say is it’s the best decision I have ever made, by far. I have learned so many valuable life lessons and will forever be grateful to the missionaries who taught me the truth of the gospel.

  13. The song “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” that plays at the beginning (and Willard sings it after he tells Becca he won’t deliver the baby) was a very special song to my great grandparents. My great grandmother would sing it and my great grandpa would play the piano when they were dating. As they got older, they gave me the original music so that I could learn to play it.


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