Sometimes our obedience doesn’t result in the outcome we expect, but that doesn’t mean we did something wrong. In the middle …


  1. Ai dos Pastores que Destroem e Dispersam as Ovelhas do Meu Pasto, diz o SENHOR, que o DEUS Vivo de Paz, pelo Sangue do Concerto Eterno Tornou a Trazer dos Mortos a Nosso SENHOR JESUS CRISTO, Grande Pastor das Ovelhas; é o que nos Revela o ESPÍRITO SANTO de DEUS Vivo em Nome do SENHOR JESUS CRISTO
    Palavra da Boca de DEUS Vivo em Nome do SENHOR JESUS CRISTO com o ESPÍRITO SANTO escritas nas Escrituras Sagradas :- Jeremias 23:1-4. – João 10:11-16. – Hebreus 13:20-21. – "AÍ dos Pastores que destroem e dispersam as Ovelhas do Meu Pasto, diz o SENHOR. Portanto assim diz o SENHOR, o DEUS de Israel, acerca dos Pastores que Apascentam o Meu Povo: Vós Dispersastes as Minhas Ovelhas, e as Afugentastes, e não as Visitastes: eis que Visitarei sobre Vós a Maldade das Vossas Ações, diz o SENHOR. E EU Mesmo Recolherei o Resto das Minhas Ovelhas, de Todas as Terras para onde as Tiver Afugentado, e as Farei Voltar aos Seus Apriscos; e Frutificarão, e se Multiplicarão. E Levantarei sobre elas Pastores que as Apascentem, e Nunca mais Temerão, nem se Assombrarão, e nem uma delas Faltará, diz o SENHOR. EU Sou o Bom Pastor: o Bom Pastor dá sua Vida pelas Ovelhas. Mas o Mercenário, e o que não é Pastor, de quem não são as Ovelhas, Vê Vir o Lobo, e deixa as Ovelhas, e Foge; e o Lobo as Arrebata e Dispersa. Ora o Mercenário Foge, porque é Mercenário, e não tem Cuidado das Ovelhas. EU Sou o Bom Pastor, e Conheço as Minhas Ovelhas, e das Minhas Sou Conhecido. Assim como o PAI Me Conhece a MIM, Também EU Conheço o PAI, e dou a Minha Vida pelas Ovelhas. Ainda Tenho outras Ovelhas que não são deste Aprisco; Também Me Convém Agregar estas, e elas Ouvirão a Minha Voz, e haverá Um Rebanho e Um Pastor. Ora o DEUS de Paz, que pelo Sangue do Concerto Eterno Tornou a Trazer dos Mortos a Nosso SENHOR JESUS CRISTO, Grande Pastor das Ovelhas, Vos Aperfeiçoe em Toda a Boa Obra, para Fazerdes a Sua Vontade, Operando em Vós o que perante ELE é Agradável por CRISTO JESUS, ao qual seja Glória para Todo Sempre. Amém."

  2. …yes PastorT.Robert's…i was born and bred in Los Angeles California. I had a dream in the eighties,of a huge wave rising from the Pacific ocean spilling into downtown Los Angeles. The wave was as high as the tallest building in the downtown area, and it took EVERYTHING that it was ordained to destroy back into the ocean. I have been waiting for this to happen. It will occur soon, and I'm praying for my family and everyone living in Los Angeles My dreams always come true 😩

  3. Amen yes absolutely. I feel the same, Bishop T D Jakes, you have helped me so much. I have filled notebooks flowing with word even after one of your teachings I had studied and applied and dove deep into the word with God and I can say that I love how God speaks and spoke through you T D Jakes, ❤️ I am waiting on God for how I could show my gratitude, it might sound strange but when I write my 2nd book, I am going to put you in the credits and acknowledgement, and when the book comes I praise God that it makes its way to you when it's done. Thank you T D Jakes

  4. Thank your Pastor Taureen for this message, I confirm this is true, this message, it is almost God's confirmation and that is beautiful to me . AMEN

  5. Pastor Torè I really have a feeling you are stepping into a destiny of taking the baton from Bishop Jakes when the time comes and has come to fruitation

  6. My brother Jesus died on the cross for all sins he came to give his life as Ransom he bore the guilt and the endure the Divine wrath by sacrificing his life I was called when I was 4 years old my life has been horrific molested rape abandoned homelessness but my daddy never left me I accepted what he allowed there was no question that he was he loved me don't give me the walk I don't want the ministry I want the life he's the lover of My Soul Nobody can love me like Jehovah can nobody can wrap me in his arms like he can I live in the secret place I'm in prison I'm doing life with Jesus I'm on death row I don't want no parole I'm a New breed ordained and commissioned for spiritual warfare through me Jehovah has created a door for mental illness and trauma nothing I've been through will be lost

  7. Hallelujah Pastor PT I believe I am sent I just had that anointing a few months ago but I truly believe it in this sermon it’s good to hear Pastor validate that God bless you and yours.🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊


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