The Evil Neighbour – A Nigerian Movie

This Patience Ozokwor’s movie is about a woman who must do all it takes to act in the interest of those she loves but this time she …


  1. Mama g🤣 je ferai de mon mieux pour te croiser quand je serai au Nigeria, vraiment tu m'inspires depuis mon enfance… Je voulais voir comment tu te comportes en réalité ça m'intéresse 😁😁

  2. Mama you don’t know wat u are even doing again! God is using your same hands to fix there life’s n at d end this time u can’t spoil it n that will be yr end!! U don’t know know evil works but it never last may we all see d end of our enemies Amen 🙏

  3. The world of today is indeed bad,we can only find peace in God,let us pray for our families and and for protection from God in heaven ,the powers deceiving us youth's nowadays is destroying the future of tomorrow,let's pray for the better of tomorrow God always answers

  4. The world celebrate 🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂 bad news instead. Better hide your good news cuz the heart of man is desperately wicked. 💕 Love the movie. The sound is too loud

  5. From the 1st time i watch mama G movie i can't stop watching her .make me laugh,angry,cry at the end i tell myself it just a movie it's not really but i learn a lot 🙏😂😕😭

  6. While we still live on this earth, we must persue to learn about the spiritual warfare. When you understand that we are at war and who we fighting with, life will be very easy for us to live. Let us know that the very world that we live in is our number one enemy. Be encouraged Good people and fight a good fight of faith through Christ our Lord and Saviour. Always remember that life is in Spirit.


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