THE ENCOUNTER – Written & Directed by 'Shola Mike Agboola || Produced by UfitFly Drama Ambassadors

The intriguing story of a Brother who wants to ‘japa’ (abscond) by all means. This movie was filmed in Israel and Nigeria.


  1. I praise God in the life of brother Edward and I'm happy to see my YouTube father go to Israel pastor right God bless you sir ❤❤❤❤ this is awesome God bless everyone🎉🎉🎉🎉

  2. Indeed, when the Lord turned again my captivity I am like them that dream….

    Thank God for the likes of Pastor Kennedy who never gives up to draw up a drowning brother.

    More grace to all. The story is very relatable.

    Thank you so much Sirs and Mas.

  3. A job well done sir, i am always watching out for evom movies, its always brief yet, impactful, this is another one again with salient lessons. Statements like …'.you can't encounter Christ and remained normal' 'you are in a station on the way to your destination' 'don't allow what is happening to you to hinder you from seeing what is happening in you' amd many more. I pray for more divine inspirations as you release your talent for the use of the Master in Jesus Name 🙏

  4. Something within me tells me to watch this movie this hour of the night which is unusual to me. Just from the starting I understand why. I'm passing through a similar situation brother Edward passed through. My heart was very heavy, even to pray I didn't know the direction to pray again.
    I've prayed prayed, fasted, cried 😭😭😭😭😭😭, but it seems He is silent. I can't hear from Him or maybe I heard but not understand 😢.
    Sometimes I ask that is this how I will remain? All doors seems closed. All efforts seems futile. Hopes seems dashed. Ways seems blocked. I really need Divine Encounter that can turn things around for me.
    That psalm 126 is my favorite.

    Lord please turn again my captivity by your mercies 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    But in all things I choose not to backslide. Sometimes I just need some words of encouragement. It's not easy standing in the Faith especially in such moment

    Thanks for the movie of encouragement 👏

  5. I will not be impatient nor miss my day of visitation in Jesus mighty name amen. Lord please help me to wait and send people like pastor Edward to me whenever I want to give up the faith in Jesus mighty name amen.


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