1. Man is the glory of GOD and the glory of God is the essence of God. We can contain and model Christ and reflect him
    Living is to reflect God and giving expression to the essence of the divine, your existence isn’t defined by the earthly existence of life, that is the fallen nature, in the realm of truth, we are valued to the degree that we manifest God, until you begin to manifest God, you are surviving and not living.
    1. Experience God and living the life of intimacy
    John 17:3
    2. Life is the experience of God and the Word of God is the basic unit of life.
    1. Separation
    2. Calling
    3. Justification
    4. Glorification
    You don’t resemble God in your face, you resemble him in your heart.
    Presdestination- fore knowledge of the father

  2. Our Generation is highly favoured to have such young errands sharing the words of victory ✌️🙌. If you fail to triumph when you combine Orokpo and Selman, then I don't know 🕺🕺

  3. Sir ( apostle orokpo Michael) remember you told us while teaching on supernatural prosperity part 4 that you'll teach us some mysteries again on the civilization of light when you diverted a bit to talk on marriage: and you said marriage is a subject in the civilization of light and that God instituted marriage to educate creation and beings in heaven ( thrones, Dominion, principalities, powers,angels, demons ) how to relate ( act of worship) with God. That God created man and divided him into two , called one man and the other woman. Man represent God's authority and teaches every being about the authority of God. And the woman represent submission ( loyalty) and she teaches creation and princes how to submit, relate , worship and be loyal to God.
    The book of Psalms says they know not neither do they understand, they walk all in darkness and the foundation of the earth is out of course ye are gods and and the children of the most high but you'll die like mere men and they'll fall like the princes.
    Ignorance makes us slaves to the devil 👿😈. So we're waiting for the teachings or i personally I'm waiting for more about this kingdom to which we belong.
    Apostle I pray you come across this comment. And also say some words of prayer over my life. I'm currently facing a lot of battles and struggling with some things also (lust, financial issues etc) my secret,altar is dry weak and weary 😩😩😩. My name is God's power Thierry. I can also drop my contacts if need be. Sir please don't forget the teaching you promised. God bless and increase you in Jesus name sir.💝💖💖🧡🧡 Regards to idango( the young prophet) and mama osenaga .

  4. Our Lord Almighty bless you for the message, Apostle.
    Although according to Bible,,, The Elect of Most High GOD ,,,, means One Man Chosen among all men on earth. And All Women that have covenant with Almighty GOD to keep themselves Virgin (Undefiled), Ps119:1-3.
    The Man,,,, is Our Lord chosen to replace Adam to Abraham to Samson to David (Same destiny, Gifts and Blessings). The Man is chosen by God Almighty to be King, Prophet, Priest and Judge of all nations forever, Ps21, Ps45, Ps72.
    Then the Chosen Women round the world will be his Wives (God Chosen World Queens). Jesus Christ called the man,,,, Bridegroom and called the women,,,, Young Wise Virgins, Mt25:1-13. That is why David wrote in Ps139:16, that God has written the man and his members name in HIS book,,,, and has been fashioning them together in their different locations round the world,,,and that for now none is with the man yet. Also in Ps119:63 and 79. God will send HIS Angel to gather the Chosen Wise Virgins from four corners of the world to meet the Man. Those that succeeded keeping themselves undefiled (The Saints) will go for the Kingdom Wedding.
    Now,,,, Ish42:1-22 is speaking of the chosen Man among men on earth,,,,, and not Jesus Christ. Ish53:1-2,,, then describes the features of the God chosen man, among all men, in case if you meet him. That no beauty is attached to him. All men chosen and used by Lord Almighty HIMSELF were all hansom men,,, Jesus Christ, David, Samson, Moses etc. But the chosen man for our generation has no form or comeliness. Then Jesus Christ came and help the chosen man to carry and reduce, the penalties and chastisement the man could have undergo. Because the man is Jesus Christ Wife (One Man), Rev21:9.
    Ish54:1-end is all revealing to us about the God chosen man among all the men. Isaiah spoke that God wants the man to build a big house,,,, for his destined to have many Wives and children. And that he is God's Wife,,,,for God Almighty has called him as a woman. Then after his chastisement,,,, God will build another house for him,,,, HIS chosen man,,,,, where he lives with his Wives and Children, Ish54:11-13.
    David saw the house as Palace, Ps45:8.
    Apostle John describes the house as New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, Rev21:2. Also, Isaiah told us that no weapon form against the man shall prosper (One Man), and then is also the heritage of other God servants.
    Then,,,,, Ish55:1-End,,,, is telling us that Our Lord Almighty has found a man to replaced David. And also many other chapters of Isaiah that speaks about the man, (One Man Chosen of God HIMSELF).
    David was the last man God tried to use after Samson,,,, for this destiny, Gifts and Blessings. But all failed. Then Jesus Christ now came. And Jesus Christ then found me in our generation to come ,,,,,and called me Mustard Seed, Faithful and Wise Servant (One Man), Very Elect, Light and Salt of the world, etc. Jesus Christ also describes me,,,,, God Almighty chosen Man among all men,,,, with many of HIS parables.
    That is why Apostle Paul called the New Man created after God Almighty in righteousness and holiness, Eph4:20-24. The First Born among many brethrens. He called me the LOVE of Almighty GOD and Our Lord Jesus with Holy Ghost, 1Corth13:1-13. But Bible preachers misunderstanding and misinterpret.
    That is why Apostle Peter called me Living Stone and Chief Corner Stone,,,, to whom coming (One Man, the Elect). Receive the Sincere Milk of the word of God Almighty from him.
    Apostle John called me the Dwelling Place of Almighty GOD, Rev21:3, Jn6:50-51, Jn14:23.
    So,,,, The Elect is One Man Chosen among men to replace Adam in our chosen generation.


  5. 😭😭😭😭tears of joy!Thank You Father, thank You Jesus Christ, thank You Holy Spirit….The Glory of God Almighty has visited those in darkness and they have seen Light and saw Light in the Light! Thank You Father for surrounding us with Your mercy,the Light has come and darkness has vanished,eyes and ears have been opened and the Light has entered the souls of men and lives has been saved and changed to manifest God Almighty in people's lives!We shall live and manifest God Almighty,our Creator according to His Will and live for Him only,as we live on this Earth, God's manifestation shall be seen,Christ in us shall be seen and we shall conquer the world and bring Light into darkness!Ahh! What a manifestation!We cover you,Sir with the Blood of Jesus Christ,we are in agreement with all that has been taught and declared upon us,we have risen from our 'slumber' for God has been brought in our midst and in us,…

  6. Thanks so much lord. We are blessed to have you as a vessel of God.God humble me and make me an avail vessel for your use. Enlighten the eyes of my understanding lord. I'm favoured, blessed and an epistle of Christ.


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