U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy discusses the effects social media platforms can have on young teenagers. SUBSCRIBE …


  1. Day 97: Elon lost 200 billion from Twitter and Tesla stocks. Where's the new CEO Elon promised? Most apps require sign on profiles and track user history so why are US Lawmakers banning Tik Tok as a distraction while Twitter and Facebook are the biggest drivers of hate speech and user tracking. Do they think blaming others will hide the truth?

  2. Portents need to talk to kids about the “down side of social media “ and explain to kids there is a life outside of social media plus all what you see or read isn’t always true in this day and age photos can be fixed to make someone perfect but in real life doesn’t work that way !? Same applies to celebrities they have a team of people to make them look amazing, kids need to understand that , same was the issue in my teenage years when we see celebrities in magazines also models on ads but my parents would explain about how they have a team to make them look that way , if any young people reading this if someone said something nasty about your don’t answer as that’s what they want report block ! Social media can be fun , yes understand we live in the digital age but can’t let social media take over our lives and that includes all ages

  3. How do we stop this?

    Kinda like how they say you can't take alcohol until your 18 years old, they should do the same with social media. That you can't use social media until your 15 or 16. They mentioned that social media has a bigger and larger impact on early adolescents, so it's best to just keep them away from it, because if they even start using it, it'll be hard for them to stop.

    I don't think much effort is being done to solve this issue, but at the end of the day it really is up to personal decision whether you wnat to leave social media or not. There are a lot of positives with it, but also alot of negatives.

  4. Social media ain't doing a damn thing to me because i'm not on any of those crap. I'm not caught up in all those trends and posting myself every five minutes and I happen to enjoy my privacy. Funny how some think I don't have a life because i'm not on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or whatever.

  5. Social media for many children is associated with increased risk. Many cases comtributing to their sense of loneliness. Social media thay makes them feel worse about their friendship that they can't get off of it. and thats really important fpr us to talk about l

  6. "Social media is a double-edged sword, capable of both controlling and empowering individuals. It can be a dangerous tool, fueling misinformation and manipulation, while also serving as a valuable platform for communication and knowledge sharing. With its vast reach and access to an extensive library of knowledge, social media presents us with opportunities and risks that demand critical awareness and responsible use."

  7. I feel like in 10 years this won’t change it’s still gonna be like this and i have siblings that use YouTube and they are younger then me ..social media won’t change the terms because they all want to make money money

  8. good reason. The human race exists today as a direct result of procreation. So why should you even be concerned about keeping your mind off sex? Here are two good reasons: The Bible teaches that God’s purpose is that sex should take place only between a man and woman who are married to each other.—Genesis 1:28; 2:24.
    Index Subjects

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    AssociationsAssociation (dx86-23)Association (dx30-85)Children; Young PeopleGodly DevotionRecreation and Entertainment

    Questions From Readers​—March 2021
    associate with those who cause division, are disfellowshipped, or bring twisted teachings. (Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor. 5:11; 2 John 10, 11) Some who are associated with the congregation may not conduct themselves in an honorable way. (2 Tim. 2:20, 21) When forming friendships, we bear this in mind. Choosing good associations may not be simple to do via a messaging application.
    A young man looks at a variety of role models
    How Can I Choose a Good Role Model?
    choose a good role model. Why choose carefully? How to choose What your peers say Why choose carefully? Your choice of role models will influence how you act.
    Four friends taking a selfie together.
    Choose Your Friends Wisely
    Close friends add to our happiness during good times, and they strengthen us during hard times. But the Bible warns us that not everyone is a good friend. So how can you choose good friends? Consider the following questions. 1. How will the friends you choose affect you?

    Insight on the Scriptures
    The apostle Paul employed the Greek noun ho·mi·liʹa when warning Christians about the danger of bad “associations.” (1Co 15:33) This Greek word is related to the verb ho·mi·leʹo, meaning “converse.” (Ac 20:11) It denotes association or intercourse with another, usually through speech but sometimes through sexual relations. The Greek Septuagint used this word to translate the Hebrew for “persuasiveness” in Proverbs 7:21 and for the “marriage due” in Exodus 21:10.
    A man praying before reading the Bible.
    Choose to Support God’s Kingdom Now!
    good news throughout their part of the world. (Colossians 1:23) Is anyone doing that today?
    A father, mother, and young daughter eating popcorn and watching television.
    Choose Entertainment That Pleases Jehovah
    choosing entertainment?
    Two women enjoy good friendship
    Choose Friends Who Love God
    “The one walking with the wise will become wise.”​—PROVERBS 13:20. 1-3. (a) What do we learn from Proverbs 13:20? (b) Why do we need to choose our friends wisely?

    How Can We Choose Good Friends?
    Learn From God’s Word How Can We Choose Good Friends? This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in the Bible. Jehovah’s Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. 1. Why should we select friends carefully?
    A man holds a television remote control
    Watch Your Associations in These Last Days
    “Bad associations spoil useful habits.”—1 CORINTHIANS 15:33. SONGS: 73, 119 HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? How did bad associations affect the Israelites? Why should Jehovah’s servants marry “only in the Lord”? With whom should we associate? 1. What time period are we living in?
    A sister meditates as she looks in a mirror
    Overturn Every Reasoning That Is Against the Knowledge of God!
    good progress. He eventually qualified to be an elder. Then one evening, right outside of the Kingdom Hall, he came face-to-face with a challenge similar to the one he had confronted years earlier. A drunk man was about to beat up one of the other elders. What did our brother do? In a calm, humble manner, he reasoned with the drunk man, eased the tension, and helped the staggering man to get home. What had happened? Our brother had changed his dominant mental attitude. Deep within, he had been transformed into a peaceable, humble person​—all to Jehovah’s praise!
    David slinging a stone at Goliath on the battlefield.
    Young Ones—How Will Your Life Turn Out?
    good decisions, but they also made bad ones. Using their examples, we will see why we need to choose good associates, remain humble, and keep seeking Jehovah. CHOOSE GOOD ASSOCIATES It is possible today to follow Jehoash’s example by listening to good associates (See paragraphs 3, 7) c

    Avoid Harmful Association!
    For Young People Avoid Harmful Association! Instructions: Do this exercise in quiet surroundings. As you read the scriptures, imagine that you are part of the event. Visualize the scene. Hear the voices. Feel the emotions of the characters. Let the account come to life. Main characters: Dinah, Shechem, Jacob, Simeon, and Levi
    A man holds a television remote control
    Watch Your Associations in These Last Days
    “Bad associations spoil useful habits.”—1 COR. 15:33. SONGS: 73, 119 HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? What effect did bad associations have on the Israelites? Why should Jehovah’s servants marry “only in the Lord”? With whom should we associate? 1. In what time period are we now living?

    The Watchtower (1960)
    Choosing the Right Form of Worship
    Choosing the Right Form of Worship “O come in, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before Jehovah our Maker. For he is our God and we are the people of his pasturage and the sheep of his hand.”—Ps. 95:6, 7.
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    God’s Word for Us Through Jeremiah
    What Friends Will You Choose?
    CHAPTER FIVE What Friends Will You Choose?
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    The Watchtower (1974)
    The Music You Choose
    The Music You Choose Helpful facts that young people want to know MUSIC is a natural part of human life. Among the earliest sounds many of us heard was music, in a mother’s lullaby.
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    The Watchtower (1966)
    Guard Against Bad Association
    Guard Against Bad Association “Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.”—1 Cor. 15:33.
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    The Watchtower (1952)
    Choosing Now to Live Then
    Choosing Now to Live Then
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    Jehovah’s Witnesses associating together
    How Does Association With Fellow Christians Benefit Us?
    Madagascar Norway Lebanon Italy Even if we have to trek through dense jungle or brave harsh weather, we regularly attend our Christian meetings. Despite challenges of life and tiredness after a day’s work, why do Jehovah’s Witnesses make such an effort to associate with fellow believers?

    Help Them Choose a Mate Wisely
    Help Them Choose a Mate Wisely DO YOUR youngsters know what to look for in a mate and how to choose wisely? It is vital to think about the matter and to help them make a wise choice, since this will be important to their future happiness.
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    A man breaking free from being entangled in a dense net.
    Can the Bible Help You Overcome Drug Addiction?
    associated with such deep-seated issues as loneliness, stress, anxiety, and depression. The Bible can help you to build the faith needed to cope successfully with the challenges that may contribute to addiction. It shows how you can have a close friendship with God. (Psalm 25:14) With his help, you can overcome problems that might seem impossible to solve on your own.—Mark 11:22-24.

    Your Youth—Getting the Best out of It
    The Music and Dancing You Choose
    Chapter 17 The Music and Dancing You Choose 1-3. (a) In what way is it true that the Creator has built music into our natural surroundings? (b) Give examples to show that the Bible speaks with approval of dancing.

    See All

    “Bad Associations Spoil Useful Habits”
    “Your Word Is Truth” “Bad Associations Spoil Useful Habits” “NOBODY ever proved God a liar and nobody ever will.” Are those words, uttered by a prominent presiding minister to a group of traveling ministerial supervisors, a statement of incontrovertible fact or just so much oratory?
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    The Watchtower (1971)
    Choose the Big Things in Life!
    Choose the Big Things in Life! WHAT is big and what is little in your life? That is an important question. By your speech and your actions you let everyone around you know what you consider little and what you consider big.
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    The Watchtower (1960)
    Seek Right Associations
    Seek Right Associations
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    The Watchtower (1994)
    Are You Helping Your Child to Choose Jehovah?
    Are You Helping Your Child to Choose Jehovah?
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    Kingdom Ministry—1975
    Choose Life-Follow God’s Way?
    Choose Life-Follow God’s Way? 1 How wonderful it is to be alive today, sharing in the worship of our heavenly Father, Jehovah! Those of us who have been in the truth for some years are thrilled to see the many new ones flocking to Jehovah’s family-like organization. (Isa. 60:22) We deeply appreciate seeing their faith, their devotion and their zeal as evidence that they have chosen to follow God’s way, not the ways of this world.—Compare Deuteronomy 30:19, 20.
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    The Watchtower (1975)
    The Time for Choosing God as Sovereign
    The Time for Choosing God as Sovereign
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