In England during World War II, a repressed dressmaker and her sister struggle with looking after their 17-year-old niece who is …


  1. A strange film – but worth watching. The period stuff with the yanks in England having their pick of English girls, and English women forced into prostitution by the war, was well depicted. But the neurosis in that lower middle class home with three woen in three different stages of life!

  2. I loved this! Never heard of it before. Wesley died after getting what he wanted all along. I knew as soon as he mentioned a chicken in the house by the fire, he was not the one for the fair English maiden.

  3. Superb cast, telling dialogue, fine direction, authentic production design and costumes…this is the British Gold Standard. Compare the common run of today’s media to this and weep.

  4. The dressmaker is an awful, baby-boomer, female revenge fantasy story where the protagonist commits arson, igniting a bushfire that might kill many innocent people. Having lived through a major bushfire, I don’t believe that a crime of such magnitude, and so serious in nature should be treated so casually. The book should never have been published. I had to teach this novel at a school situated right in the middle of an area that had just been devastated by bushfires and where students had died in the fires. The whole situation was revolting. This story is a revolting, narcissistic antisocial and might I add, poorly written book.


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