Prophet Kobus teaches on “The door to Power.” ***DISCLAIMER*** Any numbers or information that appear as pop-ups in the …


  1. I dont understand the reason why the video is cut at the most important event of all the preaching. Wouldn't it be appropriate to let ppl do communion together after they here this message. I had every thing ready but disappointed at the end. Anyway God bless you guys for sharing.

  2. What a message!!! Word of God speak ❤ Thankyou for redeeming us from the law Thankyou for your love for us and making it possible for us to come boldly to the throne of God with a clean conscience Your body Given to us by the Father and your blood shed to cover us with the new testament covenant. Your great love is AWESOME ! You came to give us mercy and grace and power in you. I am planted in the house of GOD. Holy Spirit continually water my spirit throughout my journey. Help me to be an overcomer! You stand at the door and knock. Help me to hear your voice and stay interested and excited to hear and obey! Let me be steadfast and abide in the shadow of the Almighty God forever. Fill me with your word like this man has been filled. Let me overcome. Seal Me Holy Spirit in Christ You will restore what the lyer has stolen because you reveal all truth. Let us work together Lord God. Thank you You are the way the TRUTH and the life.

  3. 16Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? 17If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.


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