The Difference Between Praise and Worship Subscribe for more videos: // Hear how Don answers other …


  1. Years ago I was drinking coffee while reading the Word. I read how the children of Israel were looking at the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army coming up behind them. They murmured against Moses, asking why did you bring us out here to die, etc? Then the Red Sea was parted and they escaped. Immediately they began to sing and dance. I remember being so convicted. ANYBODY can praise and love God on the safe side of the Red Sea! But it’s what you say and do BEFORE God comes through that will set you apart and bring God’s favor into your situation. PRAISE is what you do AFTER things calm down. WORSHIP is what you do in the fiercest part of your trial!

  2. Praise is what we do to show our gratitude to Him, and for what He as done.
    Worship is part of you (John 24:4).
    Clarify it.
    Its like you daddy donmoen, you worship God in divers ways and we never get tired of it.

  3. Worship is how you live your life. It CAN be a monologue. It CAN be in prayer and singing…Worship is an attitude of the heart.

    Praise is a sacrifice or action you take. Raising your hands, bowing down, singing, something physical you are doing before the Lord to glorify him. Praise costs something, worship is an attitude.

  4. I'd like to state, first and foremost, and categorically, that there is, actually, no difference between praise and worship (in a Church service). The topic is inexhaustible. The two words go pari pasu, that is, they go hand in hand most especially, in Church service. The two words cannot be used separately. They MUST be together, that in a Church service /setting. Those who lead in service are called "Praise and Worship leaders"…not Praise/Worship leaders.

    Praise is extolling God for who he is or for what he has done. While worship is the attitude you put into what you are telling God, being in the spirit. Whereas, it's OK to praise God and man, it's an anathema to worship man. Certain attitudinal disposition of man while appreciating his fellow man for a good deed can translate to worship and that is where there is a problem. Praise is the word, Worship is the attitude (being in the spirit, as God is a spirit) we put into those words in conveying them to God.

  5. Praise glorifies God for who He is, what He has done, what He is doing and what He is gonna do. Worship adores Him. When you worship God, you're in awe of how great He is. You just admire Him for Who He is. You worship Him because of His Sovereignty and Divinity. As you worship, you admire, you adore, and as you praise, you glorify His Name, testify of His goodness and you boost of Him

  6. Hello, have a nice day. I'm Louies Cabintoy from Philippines. I just want to ask. Being a leader in a music team in my church, what should i do to improve my members? They are all beginners. Thank you and God bless.

  7. Psalm 100:4 Praise deals with who God is, thanking him for what he has done and declaring his praises while Worship is Declaring the nature of God and more of who He is. Worship involves the revelation of God.

  8. Just a concept: but why should anyone worship a being who set us up to fail, but expects us to be grateful when he pulls us out of the failure he caused? He said not to eat the apple, but eve had absolutely no concept of disobedience. Meaning she had no idea it was bad to disobey god. It's like setting a baby in front of a priceless painting, then choosing to dangle every single one of their descendants over a wood chipper because the BABY destroyed the painting because they couldnt understand it was bad to destroy it.

  9. The Hebrew word for worship in many OT scripts is שחה (shaw-khaw) which means to bow down, prostrate, crouch, humbly beseech, fall down. The Greek word in the NT is proskynēo which means the same thing. Our opinion on what worship is does not matter because there is a way which seems right to a man but, in the end, leads to destruction. Study to show yourself approved and be filled with Ruach HaKodesh because He is the Ruach of revelation. If you don't know, you shouldn't be making videos about the subject matter and leading people astray sir.

  10. Praise is defined as an expression of commendation, of admiration, even of worship when directed to God. Worship is to regard with great, even extravagant respect, honor, or devotion.

  11. Worship is recognizing who God is…adoration to God… Being in Reverence before God…observing that we are before the Holy one. Praise is thanking God for who He is and what He has done.

  12. People's lives lack submission, humility, and brokenness. Worship leads to spiritual breakthroughs. The Spirit of God is welcomed and He ministers to you. Anyone can praise God in an instant or song, even a non-believer. It takes a willing servant to worship. Worship can happen in a corporate setting, but I tend to worship privately so my emotions aren't inhibited due to self-consciousness of others watching me.


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