Prophet Kobus Snr was passionate about reading and preaching the Word of God, and his gift of teaching brought forth 1000’s of …


  1. He teaches word by word like a mother feeding her child. Nice way of teaching.I thank Jesus for giving a teacher like him. Thank you for uploading. Thank you all.

  2. Prophet Kobus was more than an university Professor. The way he present things and his teaching-style was amazing. His demise-a great Ioss to the body of Christ indeed. Praise be to God!

  3. Captivate these distracting thoughts that come into my mind every day that I dont take hold of them, giving them(the devil) place over the word of God. Holy Spirit allow the word of God to take hold in my heart as it is planted there bring it constantly to rememberance that it will bare the fruit of rightiousness lifting Jesus up in my life thankyou Father God, thankyou Jesus thankyou Holy Spirit for making the word of God to be true in me not the diatracting thoughts of this world.

  4. hmm so he doesnt believe in demons afflicting Christians? Than a 1/3 of Jesus's ministry was useless? Wow. Mr Kobus knows more about Godly things than Jesus. There are three heavenly places, first heaven is earth, second heaven is where the Satan kingdom is — its not on earth, Third heaven is where Gods heaven is and his thrown. This is why when Daniel prayed, Michael came from 3rd heaven and it took him 3 weeks to fight the price of Persia – which was a powerful principality over babyom. who resided on 2nd heaven.

    In 2 Corinthians Paul the Apostle writes, "I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows. – it would be reasonable to conclude for there to be 3rd heaven – there needs to be 1st and 2nd heaven.

    90% of Christians need some sort of deliverance, where as in curse breaking, generational curses, demonic oppression, strongholds. ect. Its a great disservice to say that devil only works through people – he clearly does. But he oppresses demonizes MANY children of God. That makes them sin compulsively. This could be through many reasons but unforgiveness is a biggy, resentment is a biggy. Demons have to be cast out, you cant cast out flesh, and you can not crucify a demon by fasting. Demons are like criminals and will get away with as much as they cant until the police comes and puts actual force on them. Unless they are cast out, they will cause havick. Often changing your mind will deliver you from them, but also often, you need external help by laying on of hands by Christians to expel these perverted and evil spirits *spirit means breath – they are personalizes without bodies.


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