From an early age Morris Cerullo’s life was marked by unusual miracles. Today in the Miracle Power Living School of Ministry, …


  1. Praise Hashem for giving us Papa Cerullo…I wish I had known him longer to teach me more about being a Soldier 🙏 🙏🙏 my Mentor died and had no one to teach me for many years. . . But Warfare didn't stop! I searched for a Pastor to help for .many years..I could relate to him because I have seen heaven and hell also. Bless Yah Holy Names!🙏 🙏

  2. Thank u so much this message was a great help. I felt alone with this journey of seeing signs and wonders as my church was getting lukewarm and full of activities but not spirit filled as relationships were just casual and no heartfelt care for each other at all, everyone became victim of social media as satans tool of getting their attention and being fed of the world as envy and jealousy then produced. This sadden me, and the Lord shown me signs and wonders but i had fear that iam alone with this as a given battle BUT i believed JESUS will never ever leave me nor forsake me. Do pray for me too, i know JESUS HAD WON IT ALL! Halleluiah! Amen amen 🔥❤️🙏

  3. I am very blessed with the WORDS OF GOD brought to us by our very own Dr. Papa Morris Cerullo. And his experienced of his going to heaven with GOD to talk about the things he is going to do here on earth at that young age of 14, to tell the people of GOD here on earth. I am praying now and wishing that GOD also will bring me up to see out there in heaven to see JESUS our LORD GOD, KING..OH glory….!!! Hallelujah…

  4. Live for Jesus. Obey God in this life. Only those who obey the Father God will enter into eternal life. Be not deceived. Work out your salvation wit fear and trembling. If the righteous scarcely be saved, where will the ungodly and sinner appear?


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