1. Ukwizera kwacu gushingira kubwoko bwabayahudi nabibiriya namateka yabo nkuko yesu yabavukiyemo umwana wimana nzima kuva nacyera abanyamadini bacuruza ijambo ryimana bararigoreka kunyungu zabo bakanigisha ko yesu arimana

  2. Sometimes u feel uncomfortable when you find yourself in a certain type of environment and you hear your inner spirit that's the spirit of God talking to you saying this is not right at that moment you be come stagnant in-between

  3. God has convicted me on multiple occasions about music. He’s sent me dreams, people, signs etc. and each time I stay steadfast for a while then fall back. My pastor said that when you choose God it’ll always be hard because there’s sometimes this overwhelming desire to go back into the way of the world. I agree it’s hard to be living in the world and not be of it.

  4. Everyone that clicks on these videos, knows there's only one mission in life now. And that's to know OUR lord. Before we meet him. Love you peeps! Let's make it to heaven together why our boy Noah!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Plus we all know evil is no equal❤❤

  5. I don't agree, 2 Corinth. 3:4-6 tells us that the letter killeth but the Spirit gives life & Matt. 15:8, & 2 Tim. 3:5 says they honor me with their lips but their hearts are far off from me & having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.. These are the ones Jesus says "depart from me, I knew you not". And we have to remember Satan was once an angel of light so he knows the Word so there's a blurry line!!!

  6. Jesus doesn’t want you to be forced to love him and come correct but people need to do what is right and we do suppose to spread the gospel before Jesus Christ comes back and people that doesn’t Repent and. Change their life and get it together before Jesus Christ comes back for his people that’s why he hasn’t returned because he is giving people a chance because he loves us but when he comes back and don’t have it together will just go to hell I can’t stand the hot weather let alone burn until your flesh on your body is gone and much more will happen so I’ll past in the name of Jesus Christ ❤❤️‍🩹🙏🙏

  7. People better get right with GOD before it's to late. Remember the 10virgins only 5 had enough oil. Oil symbolic of truth. & 5 didn't have enough oil,the door was shut they didn't get to go in. Something to think about. Repent

  8. It doesn’t matter how we “feel about it”… the gospel message is not about our feelings. It is about the truth of God’s word. We cannot be afraid to stand firmly against the evil that has become the music industry. Men have denied sound doctrine and only have a form of godliness. May God help us all. 🙏🏽

  9. U know God wants us to have a good feeling and to shout to him in joy!! Don't let these self righteous Christians confuse u and tell u otherwise! Sometimes we soak quietly in his presence other times we shout until walls are fallen. If the song is biblical than sing to the Lord. Keep praising and celebrating Jesus return

  10. I Hate Living in this 🌎 Hate being Human Hate waking up everyday Miserable depressed CURSED CURSED CURSED to my parents & family & friends. Don't talked to people's barley. ☠️⚰️😊🔫😊

  11. I recomand you to go to old mass in christian church not novus ordo- you will see real intese spiritual but at first it can be hard becouse it is on latin, you don' t have to know language etc. do what people do and don't worry you will see christianity and it will make youre faith stronger. I gk to old mass becouse of pandemic they dont gave Jesus in host on hand they are tradition, christian tradiction.

  12. I haven’t seen the video yet. But i rarely put on the Christian station just like any radio station. It feels like a compression. Like they are trying to KEEP us Sad, on those stations. I can’t listen. I hear death most times. It isn’t right. It seems as a manipulative form of distraction right now. I am telling you.

    Not saying God doesn’t exist or that their isn’t praise.
    But yeah- im specific w energy. I catch things quick. You cannot lie around me. Most humans around me get annoyed bc humans spirits allow themselves way too much permission for hidden falsehoods within themselves. Yeah, that’s a whole diff subject/conversation.

    It doesn’t feel right anymore.

  13. Certain artists music hits different when their fruit don’t line up with their ministry. My spirit is uneasy when I hear their music and I skip right past it. When Tasha Cobbs did a song with Nicki Minaj and showed her support for Beyoncé, I questioned her fruit. All the souls being led astray by Beyoncé and she’s praying for her strength instead of her deliverance. How Sway? How do you mix darkness with light and call it gospel?

  14. Nope your wrong because God never co-signed singing or music! He said and I quote from the Bible! Beware the singing woman! And only instrument allowed and loved by God himself is the tambourine! You guys need to stop lying on the Bible! Jesus ain’t God! He never said he was! Homosexuality is nasty and an abomination! Men shouldn’t lay with men as he lay with women!

  15. Dud, these people are not making Godly music. And sure aren't Godly people. Come on man, I worry that you have one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom. I have seen many of your videos. Choose this day who you will serve.


  17. I'm not going to name names but one of the popular ministers shows in here has a church i used to attend in Florida.

    I used to take my wife and kids when we first started dating and the first time we went it was ok, I used to quiz the family on what they got out of the sermon.

    The more we attended the shorter the sermons were. The time in church was spent by a bunch of men screaming to the top of their lungs and running around the church.

    I'm all for praise but can we learn? It was so bad the kids began commenting how they didn't learning anything because some of the offerings were longer than the sermons!(literally)

    Also I hate to say but it was a very apparent homosexual spirit in that church. It was men that you just knew was either deeply involved in homosexual activities or trying to overcome it.

    We left abs I wrote a letter to church of how I drive 2 hours with family to learn more about God and they were to busy to teach about Him.


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