The Dark Side of My Beloved Dune Series? The Antichrist? For Shame!!! Panel discussion.

So, these people are claiming that there is a dark side of the Dune series of book and Frank Herbert. Thank you to my friend …


  1. I have seen the first part of the new Dune movie and all I can remember is that I absolutely disliked it compared to 1984.

    It lacks the intricate politics, you get the idea that the empire is in control now. While the real rulers is the Guild.

    But most jarring is the use of lasguns and shields, the premise is that the Holzmann effect makes the use of lasguns very problamatic: lasgun + shield == something that is indistinguishable from nuclear explosion. While the great houses have nuclear weapons, use if prohibited and would results in retaliation from the houses and emperor.
    Yet the battle has a shielded ornithopter flying in between shielded space ships while the attacker is firing lasers at the ornithopter. That was so infuriating to see that was what stuck.

  2. NO actually you are ignorant. this dune movie is based on islamic religion especially end days. Paul first comes off as the good guy the savior but as he gains everyones trust he actually is the bad guy. and to understand that people are not talking out their a– you have to understand islamic religion as well as christian and jewish.


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