so basically these people want to call themselves Christians except they dont want the Bible to have any authority in their lives. Heck, I dont think they even want God to be a part of their Christian life….seems like they're pretty happy basically making up their own religion that makes them feel good. That's gonna be nice here on Earth, but not so great when eternity hits.
More arrogant crap ? Same for LOVE Songs you can write one of those using generic formulas. By the way We ARE unworthy. If you thing you're worthy you are NOT reading scripture. Also Guy most PEOPLE PERIOD struggle it's Humanity.
I think a big question the church is facing today is what does it mean to be a Christian? Modern culture wants to embrace relativism and personal truth. But biblical Christianity was relatively exclusive and had definite Boundaries for gender, sex, cultural, and moral issues. Modern culture so badly wants to overlook those boundaries and view Christianity through a modern personal truth lens. But the 2 just aren't that compatible. Godliness and holiness are ridiculously high standards.
Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through me. He also said abide in my word and you will show yourselves to truly be my disciples. And then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Understanding holiness and godliness and pursuing it set us free.
Pursuing relativism and personal truth does not set us free. Abiding in Jesus and pursuing his truth is what sets us free. We have to lay down ourselves and pick up our cross and walk with Jesus.
I loved growing up in Christian school in the 90's. It was like a family. In fact i met my wife in Christian school. The whole atmosphere just felt so different back then. It almost makes me want to cry when i think about it now. To think of what that whole community has devolved into. With all the Trump worship and paranoia now. It's just so sad. I am pretty much an atheist at this point.
Most CCM makes me depressed when I listen to it, because it is so amateurish, saccharine, and banal; just plain bad, actually. CCM almost always reminds me of the music they used to pipe into lifts/elevators in multi-storey department stores, or public restrooms. If you want to be like the world, why not just listen to the secular stuff: it is just about as edifying as most CCM. Start listening to J S Bach, and get yourself an authentic Christian music education.
In King James language, a male "Eunuch" was how people referred to a "Homo-Boy" in those days. Some scholars have always known this. But none of them remember Daniel the Prophet being such.
"Authentic and Honest" is when I do not expect God to align Himself with me and my beliefs. The new progressive God created by humanity wears a clean white cloth draped on His arm and serves as my silent butler– ready to affirm me– stop repressing me.
The whole of the CCM is built in faulty foundations
There is no such thing as "Christian Music". Or "worship music", or "church music".
Music will not allow this to happen. There is no holy C major chord or an evil diminished chord. It is just music. We have accosted music, held her hostage and abused her to our selfish insecurities.
Texts may be Christian in origin. Musicians may identify as a Christian
But music may not be Christian Anymore than medicine or a doctor.
Our skewed, progressive and culturally correct theology welcomes all the dysfunctions now revealing themselves in the local church. Such is the broken individual aligning with and propping up with other broken people/families. But not to find hope, repentance, forgiveness, grace, healing and wellness and escape through obedience– no–Rather to become cross wearing rebels who confirm not to the image of Christ, but an image rooted in sexual deviancy as if doing so will somehow change God's mind. He too must confirm to the world and the system that is antithetical to his very being. (Read all of James)
There is also no such thing as a Liar Christian Gossip Christian Greed Christian Adultery Christian LGBTQIA Christian Thief Christian Etc.
To suffix "Christian" with any known rebel power– no matter how woke– is to assign character to God and to rewrite His word as if we have such capabilities. As Eve said, "Has God really said?"
Bands and devotion song writing must continue
Concerts must continue
But do not confuse and equate these with public corporate worship. This is a grave error that landed us where we are now
We trained our congregations to become ticket welding audience members and they complied. They don't mind someone else doing it all in such a glorious performance each week.
Our broken families are now reflected in age related, interest driven, worldly counterparts of Single Generation gatherings where no one can become an antagonist or wear the wrong clothes or sing a song we don't approve of or like
We are spoiled Americans Religiously serving our idolitries and painting a cross on them to make it all legit
What say we can all the canned music for a year? How about we side line all the Praise Me Bands and the Pays Me Bands for a year
How about 3 and 4 generations of worshippers getting their congregations and families back. Work on becoming obedient Christ followers and true worshippers instead of trying to turn worship into an industry of glitz, glamour, profit and pride.
Let's put our personal lives together before we go out on tour with aims to fix everyone else and to self medicate with our music. No wonder we are so damned depressed, disagreeable and despondent.
Deconstruction happens when we sent the truth of scripture and try to rewrite a text based on personal beliefs and flighty emotions. We are being rebels and antagonists who live lives of pretentious silliness. We are children "blown about by every wind of doctrine".
Silence! ye songwriters and chord strummers who thought you could or should make your living welding a rope of sand. No wonder the dissolution. The answer is not found in this world and we know this. Why can't we be honest? Why?
The first issue with this deconstruction nonsense is the music industry has nothing to do with your faith. God is real and can't be broken down. He is who he is, and he will always be here. We can't make God who we want him to be. He's perfect and loves perfectly. I've struggled with my faith too, but God brought me back. When we have doubts we need to take them to God because he can help guide us. Another thing is twisting God's word to suit what you want. No, you can't do that. I know for a fact the Bible is real and people need to learn to do more research instead of picking apart the Bible without understanding it. The Bible is true and so is God. I don't understand this deconstruction phenomenon. And people seem so proud of it at times. There is nothing good about deliberately walking away from God. It hurts when you do that.
I think you didn't meet ppl that truly love Jesus. That sucks,… when you really read the Bible and truly seek Jesus you'll find him. You were lead by man not The Spirit of God
I wish a gay person will decently have a talk with me … I have questions too.
Why do u want to lead in a church ? Why do you being gay want to be apart of a " Christian community but the gay community don't want Christians n that's acceptable. ??
Why do u care ? Why u want acceptance.?? Who you need to accept is Jesus are u focusing on Jesus or ppl ?? It's weird to me that ppl that follow the bible have to change our belief (that's true) to fit the gay agenda… WHy ? Do gay change for ppl or just want acceptance. .
God will never create you to love a person of your own gender. You want to change God to fit your sexual desires 🤔 instead of opening your eyes to truth. You know who love God by the way they act talk live n puts him first.
Well how hypocrite of the interviewer Grace Semler to shed truth on the corruption that has infiltrated the Christian music when she is demanding the GMA Dove awards to recognize her as top Christian singer even though she is married to a women and that is not a true Christian in the biblical standard.
Reading our Bibles daily help us grow in a Biblically sound Faith in God and His Holy perfect Word. Accepting sin as good and normal is NOT Christianity bit is in fact deception of self and or others. "Progressive" Christianity does NOT follow Christ but tries to make Christ into their own image.
Christians and catholic preachers/ influencers just love your money and they want to drain you until nothing left in you, they doesn't believe into anything shit. I knew everything about this religious scammer asshole.
The problem began when the Christian music labels, like the Bible publishing companies, were taken over by secular conglomerates. To them, Christian music is niche programming. As a Musician who became Christian in the early 80s, I found that the Christian music industry was as bad as the secular. Artists like Sam Phillips and Katy Perry were so pigeonholed into a tight ultra conservative hold that they felt they had to leave to express their art. Others like Margaret Brecker were not played in the south because she was Catholic.
Frankly, while I enjoy listening to Klove and grew up with black gospel. I find Christian music going down the same path as country and hip hop: formatic, designed to sell. That’s not even talking about Hillsong and Elevation where pastors live in million dollar homes while people in their churches are starving.
American evangelical Christianity today is all about money and selfishness, political power and selling a brand rather than following Matt 25. It’s become the very thing Christ railed against concerning the institution of his time. I recognize I’m generalizing here, there are good community churches doing the deal, but many are not.
this type of music makes me think of hatred disguised in white light. it's designed to invoke a sad emotional response as to what a horrible person you are, and that the only way to get rid of that yucky sensation is to surrender to "the dollar-making hate machine" they call la loving god. which in turn generates the revenue that fuels even more evil to do more heinous things (i.e., pedophilia, advocating lgbt hate & discrimination, self-loathing, mental depression, etc) in the guise of sweet salvation (lest ye BURN IN HELL)
this is thE REAL ABOMINATION they preach against. i could go on, but i'd rather vomit
This video is extremely biased. Also, stop misrepresenting Christianity and trying to push your progressive ideas onto our beliefs. You respect other religions beliefs don’t you? Why is that?!
I think it’s stupid this video is just making fun of people who are in a different places spiritually. How dare you! That isn’t flattering for you or beneficial for those in a different seasons. In reality, you would would make fun of Jesus himself for his narrow minded view and perspective of truth and righteousness.
Give up your sinful lifestyle with the Lord's help and healing, as Scripture calls for. If you don't, I question if you are truly born-again and will not find an eternity in heaven for you, but your choice of hellfire. Repent of this before it's too late, in Jesus' name…Amen. 🙏🙏🙏📖📖📖📖🎭🎭🎭
The reason why this is a issue is because people don’t want to hear about their CM they don’t want to hear what they are doing wrong and they do not want to change for the glory of God all sin equals death but there are very few sins in the Bible That state if you commit this season you shall be put to death these are gods words not mine therefore if you do not agree you’re not disagreeing with me you’re disagreeing with God it is an abomination the only reason for sex is reproduction we are just lucky enough to enjoy it
Get your heart right and the rest will follow stay in the word of God and quit letting the world influence you you should be hated by the world if you’re not you’re doing something wrong you should come out against homosexuality and watch the world turn on you you come out in support of homosexuality see how quickly they embrace you which scenario does God tell you to expect does he say they will except you or does he say you will be hated for my namesake
God doesn’t change just because people do The fallen world started because the devil didn’t like the role God had given him you don’t have to believe or even like the role that God has given you but you can’t deny his will
How many Christian artist push for having children outside of marriage divorce stealing adultery using gods name in vain covetousness how many push for all of those sins acceptance
Why is the Baphomet transgender being depicted with children Hollywood the music industry they are programming people and it’s sad instead of getting in the word do you want to get in the world you expect God to change around the world instead of the world bending and changing to God‘s will who does that sound like there was a Seraphim had very similar concept It pains you that that’s the way the story turned out and it’s gonna paint God I have to send you to hell you’re not special seen as seeing it is no respecter of any person it doesn’t matter how you like it what you think about it my whole thing about all of this is that don’t come out as Christian with these thoughts and concepts and ideas and make every other Christian look bad you’re taking gods name in vain when you present yourself to the world as being with God in public and live like the devil In private that’s taking gods name in vain if you have to hide to do it lie to cover it up that should be your answer
The music is rife with ploys to pull in non-Christians , it’s like there’s a quota for inserting elements of mainstream hits into songs. Seems very desperate and manipulative.
Being a "christian" means being Christ like. Jesus preached repentance (turning from sin) go and sin no more. John 18:11. Continuing to live a immoral lifestyle is not following Christ's teaching. In fact t the opposite. God gave us free will , by all means do what you want . But if you do not repent . On judgenent day jesus will tell you depart from me you worker of inequity. Matthew 7: 23. Be not deceived 1 Corinthians 6:9. Not my opinion it is literally from the Bible the word of God. It's not to late . Please repent!
3:17: "Paint dripping down face", "Complained it looked like semen"- Its quite morally hypocritical because to come to link that sort of visual imagery, I'm betting that the man who complained about that watched a great deal of porn.
Leviticus 18:22 — New Living Translation (NLT) 22 “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin. romans 1:18-32 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine
GOD categorizes homosexuality as an Abomination: a sin the lord hates the most this is not a hard concept to understand, its simple homosexuality is an abomiation and it has no place in Christian music or in the church of GOD whoever practices homosexuality and doesnt repent will face the wrath of GOD and will be cast to hell once the day of judgment comes
I don't understand. Grace Baldridge is lesbian and begged the dove awards for one. This documentary is basically a self-reflection on her own ironic corruption of Jesus in music and depravity.
What do you think is a positive solution to this issue? Share with us below!
Christan artists acceptance of sin is the problem with the Christian music industry.
the worst thing about christianity — the christians.
At least there are still churches existed to pursue the truth of the Bible…Amen…
so basically these people want to call themselves Christians except they dont want the Bible to have any authority in their lives. Heck, I dont think they even want God to be a part of their Christian life….seems like they're pretty happy basically making up their own religion that makes them feel good. That's gonna be nice here on Earth, but not so great when eternity hits.
More arrogant crap ? Same for LOVE Songs you can write one of those using generic formulas. By the way We ARE unworthy. If you thing you're worthy you are NOT reading scripture.
Also Guy most PEOPLE PERIOD struggle it's Humanity.
I think a big question the church is facing today is what does it mean to be a Christian? Modern culture wants to embrace relativism and personal truth. But biblical Christianity was relatively exclusive and had definite Boundaries for gender, sex, cultural, and moral issues. Modern culture so badly wants to overlook those boundaries and view Christianity through a modern personal truth lens. But the 2 just aren't that compatible. Godliness and holiness are ridiculously high standards.
Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through me. He also said abide in my word and you will show yourselves to truly be my disciples. And then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Understanding holiness and godliness and pursuing it set us free.
Pursuing relativism and personal truth does not set us free. Abiding in Jesus and pursuing his truth is what sets us free. We have to lay down ourselves and pick up our cross and walk with Jesus.
I loved growing up in Christian school in the 90's. It was like a family. In fact i met my wife in Christian school. The whole atmosphere just felt so different back then. It almost makes me want to cry when i think about it now. To think of what that whole community has devolved into. With all the Trump worship and paranoia now. It's just so sad. I am pretty much an atheist at this point.
Most CCM makes me depressed when I listen to it, because it is so amateurish, saccharine, and banal; just plain bad, actually. CCM almost always reminds me of the music they used to pipe into lifts/elevators in multi-storey department stores, or public restrooms. If you want to be like the world, why not just listen to the secular stuff: it is just about as edifying as most CCM. Start listening to J S Bach, and get yourself an authentic Christian music education.
In King James language, a male "Eunuch" was how people referred to a "Homo-Boy" in those days. Some scholars have always known this. But none of them remember Daniel the Prophet being such.
"Authentic and Honest" is when I do not expect God to align Himself with me and my beliefs. The new progressive God created by humanity wears a clean white cloth draped on His arm and serves as my silent butler– ready to affirm me– stop repressing me.
The whole of the CCM is built in faulty foundations
There is no such thing as "Christian Music". Or "worship music", or "church music".
Music will not allow this to happen. There is no holy C major chord or an evil diminished chord. It is just music. We have accosted music, held her hostage and abused her to our selfish insecurities.
Texts may be Christian in origin. Musicians may identify as a Christian
But music may not be Christian
Anymore than medicine or a doctor.
Our skewed, progressive and culturally correct theology welcomes all the dysfunctions now revealing themselves in the local church. Such is the broken individual aligning with and propping up with other broken people/families. But not to find hope, repentance, forgiveness, grace, healing and wellness and escape through obedience– no–Rather to become cross wearing rebels who confirm not to the image of Christ, but an image rooted in sexual deviancy as if doing so will somehow change God's mind. He too must confirm to the world and the system that is antithetical to his very being. (Read all of James)
There is also no such thing as a
Liar Christian
Gossip Christian
Greed Christian
Adultery Christian
LGBTQIA Christian
Thief Christian
To suffix "Christian" with any known rebel power– no matter how woke– is to assign character to God and to rewrite His word as if we have such capabilities. As Eve said, "Has God really said?"
Bands and devotion song writing must continue
Concerts must continue
But do not confuse and equate these with public corporate worship. This is a grave error that landed us where we are now
We trained our congregations to become ticket welding audience members and they complied. They don't mind someone else doing it all in such a glorious performance each week.
Our broken families are now reflected in age related, interest driven, worldly counterparts of Single Generation gatherings where no one can become an antagonist or wear the wrong clothes or sing a song we don't approve of or like
We are spoiled Americans
Religiously serving our idolitries and painting a cross on them to make it all legit
What say we can all the canned music for a year?
How about we side line all the Praise Me Bands and the Pays Me Bands for a year
How about 3 and 4 generations of worshippers getting their congregations and families back.
Work on becoming obedient Christ followers and true worshippers instead of trying to turn worship into an industry of glitz, glamour, profit and pride.
Let's put our personal lives together before we go out on tour with aims to fix everyone else and to self medicate with our music. No wonder we are so damned depressed, disagreeable and despondent.
Deconstruction happens when we sent the truth of scripture and try to rewrite a text based on personal beliefs and flighty emotions. We are being rebels and antagonists who live lives of pretentious silliness. We are children "blown about by every wind of doctrine".
Silence! ye songwriters and chord strummers who thought you could or should make your living welding a rope of sand. No wonder the dissolution. The answer is not found in this world and we know this. Why can't we be honest? Why?
The first issue with this deconstruction nonsense is the music industry has nothing to do with your faith. God is real and can't be broken down. He is who he is, and he will always be here. We can't make God who we want him to be. He's perfect and loves perfectly. I've struggled with my faith too, but God brought me back. When we have doubts we need to take them to God because he can help guide us. Another thing is twisting God's word to suit what you want. No, you can't do that. I know for a fact the Bible is real and people need to learn to do more research instead of picking apart the Bible without understanding it. The Bible is true and so is God. I don't understand this deconstruction phenomenon. And people seem so proud of it at times. There is nothing good about deliberately walking away from God. It hurts when you do that.
I think you didn't meet ppl that truly love Jesus. That sucks,… when you really read the Bible and truly seek Jesus you'll find him. You were lead by man not The Spirit of God
She looks weird like evil …. it's crazy
I wish a gay person will decently have a talk with me … I have questions too.
Why do u want to lead in a church ?
Why do you being gay want to be apart of a " Christian community but the gay community don't want Christians n that's acceptable. ??
Why do u care ?
Why u want acceptance.?? Who you need to accept is Jesus are u focusing on Jesus or ppl ?? It's weird to me that ppl that follow the bible have to change our belief (that's true) to fit the gay agenda… WHy ? Do gay change for ppl or just want acceptance. .
God will never create you to love a person of your own gender. You want to change God to fit your sexual desires 🤔 instead of opening your eyes to truth. You know who love God by the way they act talk live n puts him first.
Gay people are not the only ones sinning in the church.
17:23 timestamp is that a pentagram over her right shoulder on the wall?
Well how hypocrite of the interviewer Grace Semler to shed truth on the corruption that has infiltrated the Christian music when she is demanding the GMA Dove awards to recognize her as top Christian singer even though she is married to a women and that is not a true Christian in the biblical standard.
Reading our Bibles daily help us grow in a Biblically sound Faith in God and His Holy perfect Word. Accepting sin as good and normal is NOT Christianity bit is in fact deception of self and or others. "Progressive" Christianity does NOT follow Christ but tries to make Christ into their own image.
Christians and catholic preachers/ influencers just love your money and they want to drain you until nothing left in you, they doesn't believe into anything shit. I knew everything about this religious scammer asshole.
"As a queer christian" PFFFFT WHATTT
2 Peter 2:2 And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them The Way of Truth will be blasphemed
Growing up I loooved Jars of Clay. And dc Talk, and then Toby Mac when he went solo.
Why is there upside down pentegrams in the background at 11:10?
@10.57 Just occured to me… what's with the satanic inverted pentagram behind this lesbian "christian singer". All i could refer to is 2 Cor. 11:13-15
The problem began when the Christian music labels, like the Bible publishing companies, were taken over by secular conglomerates. To them, Christian music is niche programming. As a Musician who became Christian in the early 80s, I found that the Christian music industry was as bad as the secular. Artists like Sam Phillips and Katy Perry were so pigeonholed into a tight ultra conservative hold that they felt they had to leave to express their art. Others like Margaret Brecker were not played in the south because she was Catholic.
Frankly, while I enjoy listening to Klove and grew up with black gospel. I find Christian music going down the same path as country and hip hop: formatic, designed to sell. That’s not even talking about Hillsong and Elevation where pastors live in million dollar homes while people in their churches are starving.
American evangelical Christianity today is all about money and selfishness, political power and selling a brand rather than following Matt 25. It’s become the very thing Christ railed against concerning the institution of his time. I recognize I’m generalizing here, there are good community churches doing the deal, but many are not.
this type of music makes me think of hatred disguised in white light. it's designed to invoke a sad emotional response as to what a horrible person you are, and that the only way to get rid of that yucky sensation is to surrender to "the dollar-making hate machine" they call la loving god. which in turn generates the revenue that fuels even more evil to do more heinous things (i.e., pedophilia, advocating lgbt hate & discrimination, self-loathing, mental depression, etc) in the guise of sweet salvation (lest ye BURN IN HELL)
this is thE REAL ABOMINATION they preach against. i could go on, but i'd rather vomit
This video is extremely biased. Also, stop misrepresenting Christianity and trying to push your progressive ideas onto our beliefs. You respect other religions beliefs don’t you? Why is that?!
Why should I pay 🤔 attention to pop culture 🤔 when I can pay 🤔 attention to the word 🤔 of God in Jesus name 🤔??
"If it IS hot pink you should see a doctor"
Took the words right out of my mouth. If my baby batter was ever yellow or blue or pink I would be VERY worried.
I think it’s stupid this video is just making fun of people who are in a different places spiritually. How dare you! That isn’t flattering for you or beneficial for those in a different seasons. In reality, you would would make fun of Jesus himself for his narrow minded view and perspective of truth and righteousness.
Give up your sinful lifestyle with the Lord's help and healing, as Scripture calls for. If you don't, I question if you are truly born-again and will not find an eternity in heaven for you, but your choice of hellfire. Repent of this before it's too late, in Jesus' name…Amen. 🙏🙏🙏📖📖📖📖🎭🎭🎭
The reason why this is a issue is because people don’t want to hear about their CM they don’t want to hear what they are doing wrong and they do not want to change for the glory of God all sin equals death but there are very few sins in the Bible That state if you commit this season you shall be put to death these are gods words not mine therefore if you do not agree you’re not disagreeing with me you’re disagreeing with God it is an abomination the only reason for sex is reproduction we are just lucky enough to enjoy it
Get your heart right and the rest will follow stay in the word of God and quit letting the world influence you you should be hated by the world if you’re not you’re doing something wrong you should come out against homosexuality and watch the world turn on you you come out in support of homosexuality see how quickly they embrace you which scenario does God tell you to expect does he say they will except you or does he say you will be hated for my namesake
God doesn’t change just because people do
The fallen world started because the devil didn’t like the role God had given him you don’t have to believe or even like the role that God has given you but you can’t deny his will
How many Christian artist push for having children outside of marriage divorce stealing adultery using gods name in vain covetousness how many push for all of those sins acceptance
Why is the Baphomet transgender being depicted with children Hollywood the music industry they are programming people and it’s sad instead of getting in the word do you want to get in the world you expect God to change around the world instead of the world bending and changing to God‘s will who does that sound like there was a Seraphim had very similar concept
It pains you that that’s the way the story turned out and it’s gonna paint God I have to send you to hell you’re not special seen as seeing it is no respecter of any person it doesn’t matter how you like it what you think about it my whole thing about all of this is that don’t come out as Christian with these thoughts and concepts and ideas and make every other Christian look bad you’re taking gods name in vain when you present yourself to the world as being with God in public and live like the devil In private that’s taking gods name in vain if you have to hide to do it lie to cover it up that should be your answer
The music is rife with ploys to pull in non-Christians , it’s like there’s a quota for inserting elements of mainstream hits into songs. Seems very desperate and manipulative.
"I'll buy that album" says the queer artist who goes on to MAKE that album. ❤
Plot to destroy Christianity Archivedotorg
Being a "christian" means being Christ like. Jesus preached repentance (turning from sin) go and sin no more. John 18:11. Continuing to live a immoral lifestyle is not following Christ's teaching. In fact t the opposite. God gave us free will , by all means do what you want . But if you do not repent . On judgenent day jesus will tell you depart from me you worker of inequity. Matthew 7: 23. Be not deceived 1 Corinthians 6:9. Not my opinion it is literally from the Bible the word of God. It's not to late . Please repent!
3:17: "Paint dripping down face", "Complained it looked like semen"- Its quite morally hypocritical because to come to link that sort of visual imagery, I'm betting that the man who complained about that watched a great deal of porn.
Leviticus 18:22 — New Living Translation (NLT)
22 “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.
romans 1:18-32 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine
GOD categorizes homosexuality as an Abomination: a sin the lord hates the most
this is not a hard concept to understand, its simple homosexuality is an abomiation and it has no place in Christian music or in the church of GOD whoever practices homosexuality and doesnt repent will face the wrath of GOD and will be cast to hell once the day of judgment comes
I don't understand. Grace Baldridge is lesbian and begged the dove awards for one. This documentary is basically a self-reflection on her own ironic corruption of Jesus in music and depravity.
I give them credit for skill and creativity.
Don’t know what the point of this video other than a gay confused soul and a lukewarm fake artist
First of all read your Word of God!!!
Of course they won't accept Gay Lesbian Trans artists, did you really think they wouldn't care.???
Let me understand this. You say you are a queer christian? What exactly does this mean?