Curry Blake is the supposed fulfillment of a prophecy given by John G. Lake in 1931. He is also the General Overseer of John G.


  1. Hello everyone! Robin has been sick the last couple of weeks, so she hasn't been able to record. The good news is that she is doing much better, and we plan to record this Saturday! Thank you all so much for your concerns!!

  2. Same reason Jesus and further other apostles where persecuted. Same goes on now in the modern days. Most percecution take place on internet, people who actually have true faith and do the things that Jesus asked us ti do, or even greater things, you be percecuted. Hopefully there is great awakening happening and people come to knowledge of the truth and the truth may set you free AMEN!

  3. Jesus said that those that believe in Him would raise the dead. If you can't raise the dead I would have to question if you were actually a real believer. Duh. It's not rocket science. It's scripture.

  4. The Pharisees they were talking very good about the old prophets that they killed does that were not present at Jesus time, but now they tried to kill Jesus. And Jesus told they disciples that they pharisees would be after us once He would be gone. They poor devil only likes people that are gone.

  5. Praying that unbelieving “believers” will believe!

    John G lake ministries as other ministries may not be perfect but they are raising up mature sons of God who are doing the work of the ministry…About the father’s business.

    This tells me we need to pray for one another. I haven’t seen any teaching here that is not right from the scriptures. And it has produced much fruit in my life. I grew more in my few years in training under this ministry than more than 30 years in various full gospel teaching ministries of various denominations holiness, Pentecostal, I am grateful I came across His teaching.

    I know that Jesus came to destroy all the works of the enemy. I have seen miraculous healings through my own hands as the power of the Holy Ghost made lumps disappear and numerous healings.

    God is looking for people who will act on their faith and not just intellectualize it.

    He does not want us to be like His people who limited Him and did not receive His promise because of their unbelief.

    Paul went to the 3rd heaven. Just because this person has not experienced heaven does not mean it invalidates anyone else’s experience.

  6. The problem, Daniel, is that THEY may be wrong about the hyper-specificity of functions of
    the body, soul and spirit but YOU ARE WRONG in NOT admitting that we HAVE a three-part nature consisting of body, soul and spirit which the Bible clearly says we have. As a follower of Martin Luther you surely must know that LUTHER taught we have a three-part nature. Personally, I thought he explained it pretty well but, as usual, you seem not to have done your homework on the subject. I am not even Lutheran yet I was able to find out what Luther believed without much trouble….Try reading his commentary on the Magnificat. If you do not have any more regard for Luther's work than that, perhaps you join some other denomination. Nothing is worse than self-styled apologists whose standards for their own work and exposition are lower than they are for others.

  7. Solid video. Been waiting for someone to make a video on curry. He along with the others he runs with are wolves in various ways.

    The biggest issue I’ve always seen is you don’t see an example where in scripture it gives us an example of anyone only dealing with one aspect of God, His Son and nature and actions like say, healing.

    Ministers should preach the entire council of Gods word and not create a “church” or ministry based around one aspect of something that isn’t always happening or promised to happen.

    The chief aim of man is to know God and enjoy him forever. Not to walk around just relieving people of issues that are are temporary like healing someone.

    Should we still pray for sickness and healing? Absolutely!!!!!! Does God still heal?? Absolutely!!!! Heck to the yes.
    Do all people get healed? No? Does it always have to do with something the person praying or receiving praying isn’t doing? No?

    The mystery of Gods will of what he permits and does is not something any finite being will ever know or grasp. The most mature faith is the one that clings to Christ and like Job says, naked I came into this world, naked I leave it, blessed be the name of the Lord.

  8. I absolutely LOVE Brothers CURRY BLAKE and DAVID HOGAN and also most of the others that are being spoken about in this video. I have learned soooooooo much from them and I thank the Lord for them!
    God bless Curry Blake and David Hogan!!! They are two mighty men of God! Amen.
    We must remember, it was the "religious" people who crucified Jesus. So it's nothing new here, … today the Body of Christ is still attacked by blind "Saul(s)".
    Open blind eyes, Lord! (like you did for "religious" Saul, giving him a true God experience like no other! Opening his blinded religious eyes to Truth so he became born-again.) God help the person who made this video and others like it. Open his eyes, Lord. Amen.
    This video is a good opportunity to see the difference between those who believe out of their fallen intellect (given to us from Adam and Eve's fall) in comparison to those who have actually experienced the glorious presence of God for themselves in this current life through Jesus Christ, and follow the direct leading of the Holy Spirit Himself.
    There's still a lot of "religion" instead of relationships in the body of Christ today. But that's why Jesus told us that we MUST be born-again to see or enter the Kingdom of God. "Religion" won't cut it. There is nothing like the Holy Spirit Himself leading and teaching you and bringing true light to His word! He helps us discern light from darkness.
    We are so blessed to be His! Amen. THANK YOU JESUS!

  9. I have listened to a tons of Curry Blake’s videos and has never heard anything that didn’t feel right. I have no clue who you are but in scanning your videos it appears as though your channel is generally about pointing fingers and trying to discredit people. I’m sure you may be right in some cases but why is it your life’s mission. I think there’s more to be said about your heart. Don’t think you won’t have to answer to your false teachings.

  10. 😂😂😂 Curry Blake READS THE BIBLE and applies what it says resulting of many healings and people being raised from the dead, setting the Christian up to enter the war as Christ commanded. Let’s see your healing line.


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