The Danger of Uncontrolled Change | Dr. Myles Munroe

You can purchase the complete album via the link below. Available on CD, DVD, MP3 & MP4.

This teaching is a part of the 3-volume series titled, The Power of Planning & Change.

The Power of Planning & Change Volume 2 Titles:

Disc 1: The Seven Principles For Planning Change Part 2
Disc 2: The Seven Power Keys For Planning Change
Disc 3: Rediscovering The Kingdom Change Mandate
Disc 4: The Danger of Unregulated Change
Disc 5: The Danger Of Uncontrolled Change

In this 3 volume series, Dr. Myles Munroe details the importance of setting personal time aside to plan; writing down your plans for the next 12 months or even the next 12 years. Everyone will experience a change in some aspects of their life and the best way to adapt to these changes is to purposely plan for them.

#drmylesmunroe #mylesmunroe

Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:55:25. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Munroe Global. THANK YOU FOR THIS. When I asked God for a pastor who will feed me with knowledge and understanding according to his promise, God directed me to Myles Munroe. Still miss my pastor & thank God for this recordings.

  2. It’s amazing that this man is no longer alive, yet he speaks the truth with so much more knowledge and relevance than most ministers today. #Truth #Powerful

  3. I have watched/listened to multiples videos of Dr Miles Monroe, but this one wawwww, If you don’t wake up. I don’t know brothers and sisters. Ultra good teaching!!!


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