1. Amen. The body of Christ is advancing.
    I would say that the fear of the Lord is number 1 and then waiting upon the Lord before making any movements is number 2 but in my mind they are one.
    For example I know we can tend to bring fleshly works into our spiritual walk and then you ask God, should I wear a blue shirt or a green one. There's nothing wrong with prayer but God has already given us practical advice on how to live in this world. For example, God says we should work, so if you are not working or don't have a business, God is telling you to work on such things because there are implications for such actions, which I will not relay here because I am merely making an example and there are various aspects by which God is relating to us in His Word.
    But thanks be to the faithful and merciful God who is able to help us when we cry out to Him by His grace and righteousness.

    And then for external factors, I would say you need to maintain a prayer life (which is based on a relationship with the Father and the Son) and we need to maintain confession of sins as your conscience leads. For the Bible says, he who knows the good he ought to do and doeth it not, to him it is sin. However we are all under the mercy of God so that God may be justified, even now we have been justified by the faithfulness of Christ and nothing else. Instruction is for us to know what we ought to do so that we may align with the Kingdom of God in our hearts and minds, or having begun in the Spirit are you now being made perfect by the flesh? It is not so brethren.

    But God judges the thoughts and intents of the hearts of men. The things we wish to do those things we find ourselves not doing and what we don't want to do those things we do the more. But as we behold Christ we are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory.

    Fight the good fight of faith. God is all fair, He knows the beginning of a matter. The judgement of God makes right (brings correction to all things – Revelation). I call it revelation because God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. So things may be hidden from us because of time or ignorance, but it's all part of the Engineer's process. He won't give you more than you can handle, so He will guard over you to bring about what is in your heart.

    But this message is very important, especially for pastors because there are requirements for such an office which cannot not be ignored or he will ignored.

    I have much to say but blessed be the Everlasting Father who gives His beloved sleep.


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