Abraham’s infertile, elderly wife Sarah didn’t understand how it would happen, but she remained steadfast in her belief that God …


  1. My son sent this to me and said listen with no distraction.He said, ” I didn’t love this stage of my life at first, but I understand it now … and I just want the ones that I love to understand me.”
    I am listening now

  2. Fight for me Jesus in Protection over me and my Family s Lord Believe In God and Trust in every way of Your trust and Stay humble and Obedient with all my Faith in You Jesus Name AMEN 💟👏💜

  3. 😔 i need prayers. Since 2020 nothing in my life has worked out and i hear these messages and roll my eyes. Because faith has done nothing for me and i know that's wrong. I just need prayers to hold on

  4. Receiving his word is conception, that's deep, I receive his word, is an opportunity to birth his fruits, what a precious I'm learning having the right seeds, ( or the right words , give us better understanding, and paints a clearer picture, to having a better perspective, ).

  5. Hallelujah hallelujah. Glory to God. This sermon was on point you preach that God used you. You are a vessel for the Lord thank you Jesus for this word I pray everybody received. I pray everybody that listens receives.❤

  6. So many things that were saying in this video has definitely hit me straight from my heart and my mind and my soul.

    The only thing I’m confused about is when he got to the part of when a person feels they can manifest things into life.

    I am a psychology graduate. And every day I meditate and i look at myself and look at how I can do things better for my fellow human beings. That’s also my time to talk to God.

    My meditation is part of my therapy. because I deal with manic depression from traumas long ago. They still hunting until today.

    In order to offset the depression every day, I have to tell myself or affirm to myself, that the fact that I am living is a miracle! the fact that I was born is a miracle! The fact that I was giving children is a miracle! And because of all of these miraculous things, this means that I am loved by God. Because things could’ve been so much worse!

    My question is during my meditation time, and I am affirming to myself that I am love and that love needs to be shared not just in my community, but anyone who is in need. And not just financial, food, etc.

    Sometimes the act of just smiling at someone, or opening the door for them and wishing them a good day. Can actually help someone else. there are times it has even saved a life.

    So is my affirmation which I’ve believed manifests in my behavior. Is that wrong?
    Here I thought I was reminding myself that God loves me, and as a child oh God, it is important to be kind to others and myself. As he tells us in the commandments

  7. Going to be completely transparent – this sermon came and saved my life. I was heading towards destruction and then I played this message and God told me what I needed to do 😭🙌🏾 he's always on time

  8. Managing money is different from accumulating wealth, and the lack of investment education in schools may explain why people struggle to maintain their financial gains. The examples you provided are relevant, and I personally benefited from the market crisis, as I embrace challenging times while others tend to avoid them. Well, at least my advisor does too, jokingly

  9. I began my investment journey at the age of 33, primarily through hard work and dedication. I am to share that my passive income exceeded $100k in a single month for the first time. This success reinforces the importance of the advice mentioned earlier. It is not about achieving quick wealth, but rather ensuring long-term financial prosperity..


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