The video presents the entire story of the Bible from the creation of the world to the rise of nations, divine interventions, and the …


  1. 📖 This video was made for religious people—regardless of their faith—atheists, truth seekers, and anyone curious about the Story of the Bible.
    🛋 🍿Make yourself comfortable and enjoy 3 hours and 30 minutes of video! 😊
    🎬 This video is the result of four months of work and a relentless pursuit of the highest quality in sound and visuals, along with a well-structured script that presents the biblical story alongside historical and archaeological context! You’ll get the best experience watching it on a 📺 4K or Full HD television.
    👍 If you're interested in this content, hit the 👍 Like button, 💬 leave a comment, 🔔 subscribe to the channel, and 📢 share this video with your friends and family!
    📺 After watching this video, I invite you to check out the full movie of Enoch:

  2. This was really good! I enjoyed it so much. Having a knowledge of Biblical history and events, I was glad that it was pretty well aligned with the Bible. A few variants which I chalk up to artistic license.

  3. Ale przed Ewą była Lilith która nie chciała być poddana Adamowi jak kolejna pokorna Ewa
    A ponadto dzięki Ewie zdobyliśmy świadomość i nie latalismy nadzy po ogrodzie jak małpy
    To nie był raj tylko obóz dla nagich głupich ludzików

  4. A ponadto Biblia to stek bzdur żydowskiej nacji
    Ani słowa nie ma tam o reszcie całej ludzkości
    Ksiazka dla żydów o żydach
    A Jahwe to plemienny bożek żydowskiego plemienia
    Żaden to Bóg wszechmogący tylko mściwy sadysta

  5. It appears you have a somewhat biased story to tell that's not completely drawn from the Christian Bible. I can see other doctrines in your depiction. Specifically, the misdirected Bible interpretations of the Jehovah Witnesses. Which is your right to express, but you shouldn't mislead the readers by calling it "Bible", without referencing your multiple sources.


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