If you watch Fox News, Christians movies, or listen to christian music you would come to the conclusion that Christians are one of …


  1. Nobody is persecuting Christians. They show themselves for what they are constantly. Nobody likes them, but nobody is persecuting them either. It’s all propaganda.

  2. It's so odd that you can't discriminate against religion even though it is a choice, no one's born a religion you have to actively choose to be a part of one.

  3. Dont indoctrinate children!
    The christians: "why are you persecuting me!?"

    Its simple why they belive that they are being persecuted. Some of their values and belives are questioned you could say under atack. That does not mean they are under atack. But they identify as their faith. They dont have anything other than this straw they desperately cling to in their life. So to them atacking that staw is like atacking their ability to exist to these sad idiots.

  4. They are just a Bunch of angry white ppl who wanna feel persecuted but are never actually persecuted and they know it so they just get more upset

  5. I was raised Mormon. Mormons love the persecution myth of Joseph Smith and the Pioneers. I've even heard Mormons claim to be as persecuted as the Jews, even though the Pioneers lived 170 years ago, and many of their problems were brought on by their own actions.

  6. I’m probably as atheist as it gets and I celebrate Christmas very aggressively 😂 I have a nativity scene collection. I have no beef with Jesus lol why are they like this

  7. Agree with everything here except:
    The gay cake thing is a special case as the customer is only being denied service based on what is written on the cake (for a gay wedding), not who the customer is. Gay people can still buy cakes from Christian evangelicals. Your proposal that bakers should be legally compelled to bake anything unless it contains "hate speech" is just ridiculous. That could lead to gay bakers being legally compelled to bake a cake in support of an anti-gay organisation, for instance.

  8. Raised in the same youth group system. It’s a cult.

    I remember them putting together a six hour brain washing session (concert of prayer) at one event. They had music going to trance and then basically pressured any non-believers to repent and accept Jesus. I personally witnessed a friend of mine who was female experience her first sexual shame after having been in a consensual relationship with another person. The purity culture shit did a number on so many people. So glad to be out of that bubble.

  9. Department of Justice 2021 statistics show that Christians get attacked less than 10% of the time while anti-jewish crimes are responsible for more than 50% of religiously motivated crimes.

  10. Trying to point out the hypocrisy of christofascists is a waste of time. They know damn well they're full of shit. They know they're arguing in bad faith. That's the whole point. They want people to try and debate them because it legitimizes their lies. How often do you hear the phrase "Both sides"? Or something like "That's just my opinion."? Not all "opinions" are valid. It's a tactic that accomplishes a few things. One of which is to get the people calling out the hypocrisy and general hatred of these people to look overly emotional and unreasonable. This way they can go "See! The left are always offended.". And it works very well. Never debate fascists and never try to tangle them in their own words for some self satsifying "gotcha!". It won't work.

  11. The projection that these kinds of Christians do is UNREAL.
    Pretty much everything they accuse other people of doing to them, they are actually doing to other people.

    But they have to cling to their persecution fantasy, to make themselves feel better and not ever have to face the fact that they are bullies, and often very cruel. If they're "only" retaliating to "stand up for their faith", then they think their actions are justified. It doesn't matter what the actions are.

  12. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing Christians get angry about the dumbest shit of all time. It only vindicates my firm belief that religion is a cancer on human society, and the people that participate in it are either stupid, or liars. Usually a combination of both

  13. Christians are being persecuted. This is literally what the bible says will happen. Right now it isn't to the extent of other people being persecuted, but it is still happening and creeping up slowly, becoming worse and worse. But yes, there are fear mongering bad people who are using the fear to their advantage. This is supposed to happen. These people do not need to be afraid of it.

  14. When I was in Sunday school, i was convinced that it would be my responsibility to save my friends from hell and giving them the opportunity to go to church with me. In elementary school, a long term friend cut ties after I verbally accosted her in a group call, explaining that she could be sent to hell if she continued to watch a lesbian creator on Youtube. Looking back, i question how I could’ve believed that such behavior was morally correct. I eventually came to the conclusion that maybe Christianity wasn’t for me, when I began to notice that in every youth group discussion, we were encouraged to share stories of “shunning” and times we were ridiculed for being openly Christian, instead of breaking down and interpreting what we read in the Bible. Most of the time, it was testimonials of other students claiming homophobia towards them, and I cringe in my seat thinking about how once, I had been apart of that problem. I have been told by every single family member that the Christian faith will be demonized in the eyes of “politically correct society” and to not be afraid to stand up for what I believe. However, I don’t think I can submit to that ideology.

  15. A few months ago I turned 20. I left the church when I was 18, covid was a reason to stop going to church every weekend, where I was actually very involved, helping lead a 5th and 6th grade group through Bible study. I had enjoyed being a mentor to them, but with covid making those services go online, I no longer had the motivation to help out anymore. Around 3 months after I stopped going, I started to doubt and question my beliefs, why did I blindly accept things as facts? Why did my simple beliefs about abortion and lgbt rights upset so many people? Now, I consider myself an agnostic, there’s that lingering belief from the majority of my life that there may be a god out there, but I don’t want my beliefs to unnecessarily hurt others, why should they? I like the person I am now so much more, I’m more accepting, less condescending, more open to ideas, and if I would’ve stayed in that church, I don’t think my world view would have ever shifted

  16. Ok I have a question. I’m catholic, and since 2020 I feel like I’ve been hearing a lot from the catholic community in my hometown, that being the priesthood at church (when I go once every two months anyway) and my parents, that the faith is being threatened, but the narrative I picked up on from these sources regarding SOLEY the Catholic Church never involved typical conservative talking points like gender or the left, it was simply that the church was gaining less followers from newer generations. The only thing I heard that ever came close to the rhetoric in this video was my dioceses’ bishop gave a homily and talked about our “godless” society, but I think he was sourcing his negativity from covid and violence (it was still in bad taste btw). Since then, my parents have definitely began to lean in the direction of people in this video (not that they would support the capitol riots, but my mom watches fox and hates Biden and so on), but I don’t think I’ve been to a mass in recent memory where typical conservative talking points were brought up in the homily
    Or in conversation. So, my question is 1. Did other Christian denominations also experience meek pools of new followers sometime in the 2000s that would have prompted the defensive behavior that this video documents, and 2. Do any of you know of / currently involved yourself with catholic parishes that share much in common with the average conservative Christian stereotype / way of life (idk what to the call them).

  17. To the true followers of Christ, "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me (Yeshua) before it hated you." John 15:18 Jesus never lied about that. The true followers of Christ (people who aren't lukewarm Christians) will go through persecution whether if anyone denies it or not

  18. Years ago I was hospitalized in a psych ward, and we had a baptist peer support worker who was meant to be someone who can empathize and support us in this time. She was extremely vocal about her faith and looped every thought and struggle back to Jesus. We had an 18 yr old patient who had just survived an attempt on her life, who was a jehovah’s witness. The peer support told her her religion is wrong, threw away her bible overnight, and gave her a baptist bible. There was another patient maybe 50 yrs old who was a lesbian, and had been with her partner for 20 years, who said the only thing that was keeping her alive was how good and loving her partner was. The peer support told her that she was a sinner, and that she will burn in hell if she does not repent. Mind you this patient was also unwell enough to be hospitalized because she was a danger to herself. I told the peer support this wasn’t the place for that, she argued and said it was THE place for converting. She apparently had a history of telling patients medication isn’t necessary when you have christ in your heart. I brought my concerns to the charge nurse, who was the daughter of a pastor, and she said there wasn’t a problem. I had to escalate it to higher management. The peer support had the gall to act like she was the one being persecuted.


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