Season 3 launches in THEATERS November 18 (get your info at ), and then comes to streaming …


  1. Take away the fake miracles attributed to Jesus,

    take away the church invented fake saints,

    and their fake invented church miracles,

    all the Christian theology comes crumbling down, leaving Christianity and the Church completely naked.

    Christianity is founded on the Jewish invented god known as yahweh and everything else about Jesus was invented

    by SAUL the Jewish man known as the Apostle Paul and the Church Fathers.

    Let us face the truth.

    The apostle Paul (Jewish man SAUL who never ever met Jesus) and the Church Fathers,

    invented and created the huge theology, dogma, story and rules etc….around a gay Jesus and became a religious figure.

    Aside from the Fact that not one god has ever been proven…

  2. I’m so stinkin excited for this. I’ve watched seasons 1 and 2 multiple times this year eager as heck to start season 3 🥲 thank you all for all you do and sacrifice to create this masterpiece of a show.

  3. “Jesus, if you do not renounce your words, we eill have no choice but to follow the law of Moses.” Jesus answers, “I AM THE LAW OF MOSES.” MY GOD 🗣MY GOD🗣 SOOOOOOOO POWERFUL🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I FELT THAT☝🏽🥹

  4. Now let's tell you a story about a man called Jesus:

    A god assaulted, by a proxy angel,?

    and then inseminated a dum village 'virgin' named Mary,

    in order to bring his 'son' haha into our world.

    A cowardly and disgusting action… by any god..!

    (typical of the men who invented these gods)

    Mary and her cuckolded fiance ?Joseph,

    travel to Bethlehem .

    There Mary gave birth to an illegitimate son of a 'god' ?

    Oh Wow.


    His body was placed in a tomb

    But three days later, the tomb was empty ?!


    Then he ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of his god the father almighty, never to be seen again….?? wow!

    A zombie story…

  5. It simply is one of the best and most outstanding ways by which Jesus is portrayed as the Son of God in human form. I know it’s been quite a journey putting all this together BUT I am thankful that many who watch The Chosen will develop a curiosity, an interest, a hunger to know who Jesus really was, is, and always will be.

  6. Estoy emocionada!! Esperando ansiosos en casa empezar a ver la temporada 3. Muchas felicidades a todo el equipo y esfuerzo, estoy segura que la mano de Dios los guiará hasta terminar tan hermoso proyecto. Los vemos desde Chiapas, México. Bendiciones

  7. Another powerful Season! My heart's so full of gratitude 💓 Counting down the days to watch it all…
    Thank you to all who have made & continue to make this spiritual awakening possible!

  8. Watching this my heart was skipping beats; when Jesus said He was loosing time, “someone touched Me” (one of my favorite stories of Jesus), “in the middle of such division and unrest (what is happening today), is Father God being revealed to you”; this series has helped me to see Jesus differently, His humanity along with His Deity. Thanks to you all for the hard work you have done and are doing to bring scripture to the masses. “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” NLT

  9. This show helped me find my way back to God and to church. I began watching this show about 6 months before I came back to church but I had been craving a renewed relationship with God long before that. Thank you for creating the vehicle that softened my heart so I could rebuild my relationship with God. I hadn't had a relationship with him for many many years.

  10. No words buddy…. U made me speechless…..and this work is sth that is truly acceptable by this generation and also for the old…. Hats off…
    U just show HIM to the world who He really is … (JESUS) ♥

  11. Amen and Amen. Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven.

  12. I didn't watched season 2 , with that much of interest and because of the pressure of exams, , but man this 3 rd season looks soooo cooll! Won't miss it for ever anything. . God bless you all

  13. I'm grateful to God for this timely project and all who worked on it! I don't think the devil saw this coming because using same tools and platforms the world uses to convey such deep revelation in a way that this generation can understand!….wooooh! Praise God!
    He is indeed Lord of all


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