The Chosen did it again… Reaction from a Christian Perspective! Dallas Jenkins. The END is happening right before our eyes.


  1. are you trying to say capisce (pronounced CAPEESH) ?don't do it, it hurts my ears when you do it. LOL that's from the movie "My blue heaven" other than that, the minute i saw that a mormon was executive producer I was out. it explained the weird feeling inmy spirit as I watched the Chosen. mormons do NOT love the same Jesus. there are videos on you tube that talk about what they really believe and its right out of the twighlight zone; so thanks for the courage to speak out.

  2. ⁠ He’s singing a different tune, than he did in the beginning, when asking people to partner with him. The fact that “This is not a Christian Production,” came as a complete surprise to me, and is quite disheartening, as were his carefully planned, and chosen words, (walking the lukewarm line, lest he offend anyone, yet he did just that). Had l been aware, l would not have invested, what was in essence at the time, my “Widow’s Mite,” nor would l have purchased, and distributed their products, in my continued efforts to support the production. I came away from his speech, as well as all the confusion and arguments that permeated the feed, feeling disheartened, and compelled to pray. 🙏

  3. Jesus Christ is the son of God and satan is an fallen angel, all of what is happening is Biblical, Good is now seen as evil and evil is now seen as Good. God is our creator and Our Lord Jesus Christ will return and every knee shall bow, truth prevails! God Bless ❤

  4. This is a professional workplace like any other. Do all the of the stone throwers have jobs where every person has the same values and beliefs? One reason The Chosen is so good is that they haven’t bent a knee to the self righteous and become a second rate production like most of not all traditional “Christian” projects. As long as the workers are doing their jobs and not undermining the purpose of the show, then perhaps some of these hearts might be changed. This video is a hit piece and no better than gossip.

  5. Just wondering if anyone of the hateful responders even watch the unedited (less deceptive) explanation from Dallas. You know, cherry picking sound bites is a form of deception, Brylan.

  6. I’m sad because in ways some episodes have hit me in the way that has helped me get closer to Christ. However, I HAD to make sure things were accurate in the Bible and some were not. Now with more and more things being exposed and the way the actors are responding … so sad

  7. These guys are atheists and agnostic. That's not a secret. I am willing to bet that everyone of you reading this watch, listen or read media from atheists and agnostics.

    They "PLAY" fill in the blank and record it. The director and producer is what matters. Stick to that.

  8. And so all these kind of evil from the chosen is coming to light. God will not be mocked. People now need to open their eyes! Stop watching these shows! Go read your Bible!

  9. Anything to do with the right hand of GOD, the evil 😈 one will try to dystroy…keep the faith and all will be known to you, may our Heavenly Father, creator of all, be with you all 🙏

  10. These comments are unbelievable to me. Most jobs have a T/C nowadays.. what you can say or post or do while on company business .. or some go as far as when people know you work at xyz and you do something prohibited. and if you break those terms you can be fired. How is this different?
    What is wrong with people. How luke warm do we have to be?

  11. This show is full of compromise. He says he doesn't answer to us but people that help pay for the show are also being asked to compromise. Hiring someone that supports Pride month is a shock.

  12. I too had concerns about the flag and it broke my heart to hear a cast member say that if I didn't like it, I could leave and not let the door hit me on the way out (paraphrase).
    I started to have concerns when one scene had Jesus winking to another character when the Bible clearly says he who winks with the eye devises evil in his heart. I pulled my financial support from the Chosen. How unfortunate that they think they are too big to answer to their supporters


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