I hate those things,it will open doors you cannot ever closei had a friend whose mother threw board in a lit grill as it burned screams could be heard.
6 minutes in and we see a conversation about churches closing in the uk. Well I'll tell you why they are closing, its God whos closing them due to the unscriptural nonsense being taught in most churches theses days
Letting in demons in all circumstances, not only occult practices, world repent and follow Jesus while you are still here.
How ironic that they would make a movie about demonic spirits, while casting several people with homosexual demons in the cast????
Call no one farther no priest
I hate those things,it will open doors you cannot ever closei had a friend whose mother threw board in a lit grill as it burned screams could be heard.
6 minutes in and we see a conversation about churches closing in the uk.
Well I'll tell you why they are closing, its God whos closing them due to the unscriptural nonsense being taught in most churches theses days
Nope don't watch movies like this, no way
Demons are real,they exist but, "Greater is he that is in you than He that Is in the World."Call out to Jesus who can deliver you.