The untold Story of a Molested Girl Child #SexualAbuse #notorape #mountzionfilm #Fruitbearersfilms.


  1. May God bless this ministry🙏 May we not marry wrongly, May we not meet the wrong people in every stage of our lives. This should be preached everyday, one must be extra careful with their younger ones and kids around opposite gender.

  2. This is what i cant handle with Nigerian movies particularly christian ones….the pastor tells the woman to forgive the RAPIST because he already going through his own stuff? Really? Yes im all for forgiveness but dont minimize the rape as though it doesnt have long term effects. Speaking from experience, my marriage of 5 years suffered as result of being raped when i was 8, im 45 now. Real disappointing that message, real disappointing. So what? she's suppose to forgive the RAPIST and sing "kumba ya mah LORD?" Really cant understand church folks sometimes. Im a preachers kid and what i saw was way disappointing.


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