How do you trust God even when life isn’t fair and you suffer for no good reason? Job’s story invites us to consider what it means …


  1. Lots of wisdom to learn when a child of 5 years gets ebola and watches in horror and terror as her skin turns black and her organs fail. And for the parents as well. God is infinitely great and the billions of children who died for doing absolutely nothing wrong are part of his plan. Does infinite wisdom allow someone to cause endless suffering?

  2. Whoa, you really make your videos fun that I kept watching it until the end! this reminds me of the time when I was a kid attending a place where Kids worship God, play games, do activities and etc.

  3. Can i add something. So we all know that the devil is the father of lies and the Satan is saying that job doesn't love God without God's blessings, but if you turn that around and reverse it like its a lie its the devil coming to God telling God that without God's blessings job will still love God. And maybe either God was fooled doubtful, maybe the suffering and the interaction and the doubled blessings was a the greatest gift that he could get. Maybe his love for God was confirmed by the devil and was chosen for this process and is remembered forever. Maybe the meaning of the story is to trust God with all your mind all your heart all your soul and all your strength. And if you do God's reward is far greater than anyone can imagine for themselves.

  4. What is this, Trading Places (the movie)?

    This is the most ridiculous story I ever heard. God basically having a bet with Satan, and using Job's life, as the test. Then Job fails that test (the Devil effectively proved his point), but yet in the end, Job is rewarded for failing the test?

    Erm, yeah… good one.

  5. I still find it hard to understand being born with a genetic condition that does nothing but to serve pain to me. Tumors grow on nerve endings and I have to endure this for probably another 50 years IF it doesn't kill me by then. So I don't understand what the point of is it still, I really don't get it because I'm at my limit.

  6. AFRICAN PROVERB OR THEORY OF LIFE: When flood comes, the fish eats the ants but when water dries, the ants eat the fish. Life gives a chance to everyone just wait for your turn.

    God's argument seems to be implying that He's been Giving Job his blessing/rewards at the expense of… something else in his creation And making Job suffer grieviously is an act of restoring balance to it.

    No wonder he took The Satan's argument into sincere consideration.

  7. The understanding here is incomplete. yes job was innocent, however job had a warped view of god. Job was not following god but his own moral deeds. Sure job did a lot of good deeds but god doesn’t only want good action but also the right motives behind them. God is trying to get job to think about who he is and who god is. According to the scriptures god says

    “no job you still don’t get it. It is not about what you have done or can do. You can’t appeased me with your works. There are noting but filthy rads I am not a divine genie I don’t serve you by appeasing to your work and sacrifices. I give and I take, noting you have ever done will force me to bend to your work. I create beauty and wonder though my wisdom and power and you have done noting to create any of this. You are only here because I sustain and love you. You have done noting to earn this, this is all because of my love. Now realize who I truly am and stop using me as a mean to an end. See me for who I am and not what you think you can get out of me.”

    God wants job to realize that he is personal, he is active. He is not some robotic genie that is to be used to get what we want out of live. He wants to be live as he love us.

  8. So god manipulatively said "you're too stupid to comprehend this" and left Job with no answer at all. And yet Job is satisfied with that? "Trust me because I know everything and if you find something illogical then it is because you are stupid". Trust how? If my father killed my wife and son I would never forgive him, even if he said that he was "older and wiser" and "worked in mysterious ways". It is complete bullshit to make you feel like your shit life is going to be alright, that those who do you wrong will somehow get justly punished. And if your shit life stays shit? Well, it's all part of gods plan! And don't question it! Don't question the cult, and keep being used in life by others while you stay "good" and "righteous" like a nice little dog.

  9. i m Job but just t loosing side and asking Him why…. the little turtles were a bed example..that is not pretty or beautiful.. 1000 are born so 2 survive … but I think i got t message ..

  10. This summer has been super random for me. I was terminated from my job in May from a scam I fell for, I had to undergo emergency surgery for my appendix in July, I felt my mental health declining and returned to therapy yesterday, and I got rear ended today. I ask myself what else? What else?! I am thankful to be alive after getting rear ended cause it could have been worst, and it was something out of my control….

  11. 7:15 “losing everything was not a punishment and so now getting it back isn’t a reward” — I’ve been practicing the Christian life for 5 years and I feel like this was a very eye opening line. I watched this series a few times over the years, and I never really grasped this line until now. Everything in this life has consequences, thus the cause and effect. But none of them are truly rewards or punishments, not in this life. The reward or punishment is only determined at the day of judgement, everything else in this life are simply results of the circumstances, all of which God uses to get people closer to Him. This world is rife with pain, suffering, injustice, poverty, sickness, and death, but it is also full of joy, blessings, enjoyment, encouragement, wealth, music, art, and other beautiful things. I feel that in God’s eyes, the concept of “deserving” is very different from ours because He sees everything in totality. By His boundaries, certain actions and thoughts have certain consequences, and we don’t always fully understand what those boundaries are and so can’t grasp what is truly deserved by any one person (except that by the boundary of sin, whose consequence is death, everyone who has sinned therefore have the consequence or “deserves” death and God’s wrath). But God is free to redeem whoever He wants, and He chooses to offer grace and salvation to everyone. The consequence of turning to God is salvation. We can choose to see death and wrath as punishment, and salvation as reward, but all of it are really just consequences in God’s rulebook. Thus, God is just and fair by His cause and effect, and everything will be seen after the end of life.


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