Joseph 1995 ○ Son of Jacob ○ The Dreamer The biblical son of Jacob escapes from treachery and slavery to deliver his people …


  1. well if youtube deletes this video then i just wanna say this one and Abraham and Jacob are my favorites in the Bible collection that I watch the most, Jeremiah was pretty good though too.

  2. Very well done! I really appreciate the effort put into this epic story of Joseph. Unlike the movie Noah, your production seems far more honest and genuine, in it's effort to tell the story of Joseph most truthfully. The Noah movie may have made painstaking effort to tell the story of Noah and the flood according to the Apocrypha, but that's the problem. Although some truth may exist, the apocryphal collection wasn't included in the Bible, because it was mixed with mythogy and questionable truth.

  3. I had just bought this movie a while back wishing it was on YouTube an thank u now it is but after I already bought it haha but I’m still glad it’s ok here for others an me when i need to watch it….

  4. This is my favorite Joseph movie it was well made an doesn’t seem fake like bad actors making it an I love the story of Joseph but I love when they make a movie accurate to scripture…

  5. This movie when it comes to interpreting pharaohs dreams has really missed it big time. The film has Joseph saying that there will be seven years of famine. That makes pharaoh go berserk. However, the biblical narrative is that Joseph tells pharaoh that there will be seven years of plenty then he tells him seven years of famine. This narrative is completely wrong. Joseph did not tell pharaoh that there would be seven years of famine. He mentioned the seven years of plenty first as recorded in the book of Genesis.

  6. Without forgiveness and love, you will live with resentment, bitterness, malice and strife which result in more pain. You can never love without forgiving. Forgiveness deepens your ability to love and frees you from pain. Kemi Sogunle

  7. I don't remember any Part of the Bible saying that the baker whooped Joseph 🤔 in the Jail. It's important to read the Work and learn your own. That way ukno when someone misleads you. As the Lord said u must pick up and carry your own cross.

  8. 👋 hi 👋 I'm new here and have subscribed to your channel today! Thank you for sharing all these movies 🎬 I'm looking forward to watching this movie now! God bless you abundantly in Jesus precious name Amen 🙏 🙌 ✝️ ❤️

  9. Oh what an awesome version of this biblical movie. There has only ever been one other that I really liked but this one has completely topped it! Thank you soooo much for this fantastic movie. 👏 I didn't want it to end! I absolutely loved it and totally recommend this to everyone! God bless us all in Jesus precious name Amen 🙏 🙌 ✨️ ❤️ ✝️


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