Like the Bible, the Book of Mormon is an ancient record that teaches about Jesus. It answers essential questions that we all have: …


  1. Yet the bible said that if anyone add to it or take away from it they are accursed! That means damned. God does not lie therefore He would Never create another book from an Egyptian carving and pretend it is His.
    Mormon is not the same even minutely.

  2. no, they don't. respectfully, you just need to study a little bit to leave Mormon. just read the Bible. if at any moment you find a contradiction and stay against the Bible, think again before calling yourself Christian

  3. Book of Mormon does, but people don’t think so because modern-day Mormons put more authority into the Book of Mormon than the Bible, which can mislead them because you can’t have scripture without the basics of what the Bible says.

  4. Doesn’t it say in revelation that any man who adds to the prophecy God will add to him the plagues of the prophecy? Also Galatians 1:8. You’re contradicting yourself and spreading a false gospel. May Jesus Christ the son of the only and living God guide you to the truth.

  5. Never believe anything online without verifying especially 30 seconds of information. This Youtube shorts is a big old lie when you study both religions. Mormonism definitely contradicts with the Bible. Mormons do not believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh.

  6. They are not hand on hand. Here are some of the contradictions.

    Jesus will be born in Bethlehem? Bible says yes Micah 5:2. Morman says Jerusalem Alma 7:10.

    Numbers 3:9-10 says Levites will be the priests. Alma 10:3 says they were from the tribe of Manasseh.

    Is sinning in little ones nature? Psalms51:5 says yes, while Moroni 8:8 says no.

    Here is a big one. Black skin is a curse from god, and whites are better? 2 Nephi 5:21 says yes. Bible doesn’t say that at all and says none of that even matters (race, Gender, etc.) under god Galatians 3:28. Also God doesn’t play favorites James 2:1.

    Mathew 7:15. “Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.

    Joseph Smith was a false prophet.
    There are plenty more teachings that are not biblical from him. Some examples are that males can become gods, and they can have multiple wife’s. Also that their wife’s job is just to make spiritual babies, once you become god. All this is straight blasphemy, but will you ask for your eyes to be open, or will you continue to be blinded as your shepherd walks you off a cliff? That is for you to decide. I did my job.

  7. Before the majority of Christians puff up their chests most of them dont even try to keep one of the ten commandments in particular. For them it is the fourth one. For the catholics it is the third. The christians unknowingly follow canon 29 of the catholic catechism which comes from the council of Laodecia 363-364 which outlawed the sabbath day made holy by God and a curse was placed on those who keep God’s day.

    God says that we defile a stone if a tool touches it. No wonder the tablets of the ten commandments were kept in the Ark of the Covenant which was found by Ron Wyatt in 1982. The proof is in the scriptures. The commandment hasnt changed in the stone but only in the commandments of men.

    Matthew 15:9
    But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

    Revelation 14:12

    12Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

    I have a plank in my eye but many have the wool pulled over theirs.

    Move away from the coasts.

  8. hey! fellow mornon youth!… i ask that you guys please talk some sense in a certain account byt the user, alleys grenfell or somthing like that as well as another account which i will name, i know it wouldnt really seem right o just go for those ew people who wont change minds,a nd slander us but still i gave them both a really good talking to, to like 25+ years olds, and here i am, a youth…anyways i hope you can just say somthing or read my comment i guess it might not be the most appropriate, but i was kinda pissed they slaunder us like that, anyways thanks! and special thanks for deciding to serve a mission, i never whant to and during this time i even debated on whether the church was ture or not but i had expirences that helped me KNOW it is true, and now i wanna serve a mission and tell everyone the truth and not the bs they hear.


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