In this episode of the G3 Podcast, Josh Buice shares the best ways to apply Jonathan Edwards’ 70 Resolutions, today. Learn how …


  1. The irony of this channel. Promoting Jonathan Edwards, a man who had "weird things" happening at his events, while discouraging charismatic beliefs. The irony is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

  2. Please forgive this: I am single-handedly working to undermine the growing trend of culturally lazy enunciation – specifically and uniquely in the word “important”.

    When did intelligent men and women drop the “t” and replace it with “d”? It makes all speakers sound like children, and it’s gotten so pervasive as to infiltrate deeply intellectual circles (even G3).

    Again – forgive me. It’s something I feel must be confronted, and soon, before correct pronunciation becomes meaningless altogether.

  3. We need a Pentecostal tongue talking holy rolling fire baptized Holy Ghost revival in the United States today we need a second azusa street revival now 🔥🔥⛪🔥🔥


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