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  1. 21 years old here and still a virgin. Always wanted to wait until marriage since I was 10 years old and kept to my word since then with God’s help and guidance if/when any temptation came up and knowing how to get out of it before anything else happened. God Bless 🙏🏻💕✝️☺️

  2. That's a service issue.

    Salvation is absolutely free and not conditional upon service.

    Billy Baalam talked grace through faith but then he immediately put conditions on it.

    He mixed up salvation which is absolutely free with service that can cost you everything.

    The result, yet another cleverly repackaged version of faith plus works equals salvation nonsense.

    Billy Baalam said that you must repent of your sins and give your life to Christ for salvation.

    Both of these are a lifetime of works and has never saved anyone or contributed in any way to salvation.

    Nobody has ever been saved by giving their life to Christ.

    That is bartering your life for salvation and is a Satanic counterfeit gospel message.

    We are saved because He gave His life for us and we trust Him alone for salvation.

    Saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ "alone" for salvation.

    How you live has absolutely nothing to do with salvation at all.

    That's for service.

    Salvation is absolutely free.

    Rewards are worked for!

  3. I am christian, but have sex outside of marriage. I am 25 years old. I know it is a sin. But i believe it is a human need. When the bible was written, people got married in their teens. The average age for marriage now is 30. The law makes sense. But in the modern world it doesnt make sense to wait.

  4. Sex is for marriage. God created sex for marriage. He's the one who says in His word no sex until marriage. A man's private part has no business entering in a woman's private part (or being pleasured by a woman) unless they're both united as one in holy matrimony. A man has no business having access to a woman's body, or a woman's feminine parts that are private, unless they're united as one in holy matrimony. God is the One who said it in His word. If you don't like it, take it up with God. Sex outside of marriage or before marriage, has consequences. If you have friends who support you in having sex with your boyfriend/girlfriend, or who motivates you to have sex outside of marriage, you need to cut them out of your life. They're misleading you but leading you off the right path.

  5. Something I listened to before I got ready to leave for the doctors and attorney today,really summed up my family’s troubles and mine as a younger person,heartbreaking and sad of how evil destroyed our lives,the foundation of our family was diseased,my mother and father,which created in the children the evil cauldron of our thoughts,which led us to hell

  6. I have been pressured to do sexual things that I didn’t want to do! I feel so bad about it! I feel unclean and dirty! How can I ever have sex again with my future husband!!😭

  7. Frankly a real help is a pet; until God finds your life mate. And if He doesn’t, rest assured He loves you-don’t reject that greatest of gifts INTERNAL LIFE. You can’t deny God and live. Like the man on cross still confesses “Lord when you come in your Kingdom remember me. Jesus says “Today you will be😮 with me in Paradise”
    REPENT!!!! THAT PET WILL ACCEPT YOUR LOVE. Unabashedly true love. Not everyone is created to marry.


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