The Best or WORST Christian Movie Ever?!?

Is the new motion picture “His Only Son” the best Christian film to come out so far? Some people think it just might be. I was invited …


  1. I watched it earlier today and LOVED it. It felt a bit slow at times but it didn’t take away from its greatness! Especially for something in such a low budget (only known because it’s disclosed at the beginning). A lot of us clapped at the end (which also happened at the Jesus Revolution).

  2. My wife and I saw His Only Son today, opening day, and we both struggled to stay awake. It is very slowed paced and the acting was not the best. It is not a captivating movie. There were way way too many scenery shots of the night stars and foggy landscape that came across to me as fillers to lengthen the movie. The downward pointing arrow tattoo on Sarah's forehead and line down her nose and onto her chin with tattoo dots near her eyes were unexplained as to why she was the only one with facial tattoos and it was very distracting. The best part of the movie was the end where the writer/director ties in the OT account of Abraham and Issac to the crucifixion of Jesus and the gospel message. In the intro before the show starts the writer/director comes across as to having a strong love for the Lord and is excited to have made this movie with the hope of having a strong impact.

  3. Thank you for bringing this to my attention! Will check it out. My daughter was named for Isaac's wife Rebecca so hoping for more!
    (Just so you know, my greatest Christian movie ever is Charlton Heston's Ben Hur, but Risen is not far behind. Just personal preference).

  4. Without watching your review, I just got back from watching the movie, and I have to say, it's a slow burn, but it is good, with some very powerful and profound moments. It's definitely worth watching for any Christian, and perhaps, if you can get your atheist friend to sit through it, they may come closer to God as well.

  5. Just saw this. It was pretty good. A little dry, and could have used a little humor spread out just to humanize the characters. I also was confused by the markings on Sarah's face. I get it's probably some sort of early pagan tradition from before they knew God. But the marks look like the actress fell asleep and someone played a practical joke on her, and they couldn't remove the ink in time for filming. It literally looks like it was done with a ball point pen.
    My biggest take away is witness just how powerful of a sacrifice Abraham was willing to make, and how God always asks sacrifices from us. And how we struggle to sacrifice some personal pleasures and comforts of life, while Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son. Makes me really think of what I'm am doing. I think all christians should watch this film.

  6. Saw the movie today with my parents. It was really good and makes me want to read the Bible more. Started good conversations. I urge everyone to see it in the theatre. We liked how they did the flashbacks, and normally I don’t like those.

  7. When are they going to tell the truth about the the people but is realize we're black. is in the Bible it tells you a leopard can't change his spot .leave black and come back White. We live in the desert in the Sun so you would be black .😢

  8. The biggest thing I took from the movie (which I saw yesterday) was Abraham worried expression through the movie, but despite his feelings, he obeyed. I give into feelings, but this taught me alot.


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