The best beginner Bible study resources…


  1. Oh my goodness!! You have no idea how ABSOLUTELY-7 YR OLD- ON-CHRISTMAS-EVE-EXCITED to have discovered you sister! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Where have you been all my life?! 🤗🙏❤️‍🔥📖⚔️🛡️

  2. If you're baptized in the Holy Spirit, you just sit down, pray, and start digging in!! The Lord is a much better teacher than any human 😊 and He will show you things no man has any knowledge of

  3. OR just pick up a copy the ESV (English Standard Version) Study Bible. It has a concordance, maps, maps, maps, maps, pictures, etc. and it has the Bible written in plain English with explanations on each page in case you did not understand the scripture.

  4. Thank you!The ESV Study Bible notes are also fabulous, my wife is reading it cover to cover in a year, and she was already a wise knowledgeable Christian before, but wow, it has made her even more so!

  5. I prayed for God to help me understand and holy father opened my mind and now I understand it. I got so frustrated with it my whole life. Now nope I get excited and learning everyday. God knows your struggles.

  6. OK. STOP RIGHT THERE! You just showed that YOU ARE NOT SAVED!


    Bible Way To Heaven
    Pastor Roger Jimenez

    Once Saved Always Saved
    Pastor Steven Anderson

    Hope you and whosoever will hear the Good News today gets SAVED (born again).

  7. Thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars, and still no proof a god exists or that your particular set of beliefs are correct and true above all other 3,999 brands of world religions… Sad.

  8. Ima tell you some truth sis…. And the rest of the ladies that cake your faces with makeup.
    When a man and woman are about to sexually engage, the cheeks turn red. Gods design. Look it up.
    So Satan took Gods design, and created make up. And anyone who wears makeup, is pretty much walking around, letting the world know saying “hey!! Look at me! I’m sexually aroused and ready to engage!”….. you don’t need make up. You’re made in Gods perfect image.

  9. Sister, can you please pray for my family and for my parents’ marriage? I feel like I am such a deep hole of anxiety, sadness, fear, anger, and it has really affected my relationship with God. I do not see a light in the darkness and I do not feel God’s nearness. I struggle to spend time with Him and I just have so much in my heart that I am carrying. Please pray for me. Thank you.

  10. Need SALVATION?

    In order TO GET SAVED you must believe in the Gospel, which was given to PAUL by Jesus Christ (Rom 16:25; Gal1:11-12) for us Gentiles today…..which is:

    -That Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures
    -and that He was buried
    -and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures
    (1 Cor 15:1-4)

    **Note: “according to the scriptures” means it was preached before hand in the word of God.

    Other versus reinforcing your Salvation by the Gospel.

    Rom 1:16 (Salvation?!?! who wrote Romans??)
    Rom 2:16 (God will judge by who’s Gospel??)
    2 Cor 4:3-4 (Those who don’t understand are??)
    Gal 1: 6-9; (Preach no other Gospel please!!)
    Eph 1:13; (Sealed with the Holy Spirit when???)
    Eph 3:1-7 (How are the Gentiles Heirs??)
    1 Thess 4:14 (There goes that Gospel again!)
    2 Thess 1:6-8 (Scary if you don’t believe!!!)
    Rom 10:9 (Believing must be from the heart)

    EVERY WRITER of these books are Paul aka Saul (Acts 13:9). He’s going through each city, as the Holy Spirit leads him (Acts 13:2), to preach the message of the Gospel because God commissioned Paul in Acts that he would bear Jesus name to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15; 26:14-18). The Gospel or the good news is that Christ is not dead as everyone thought, but His death was accomplished to actually save us from our sins and by Him being raised from the dead, He now lives and we can be confident we will live too because we’re sealed with the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:11; Eph 1:13)…isn’t that good NEWs!!!!?

  11. 1 Timothy 2:12. If Christians are all guided by the same holy spirit, then why can't you agree to something so simple? Mabe Satan is allowing this woman to teach and he fooled you not to care about this verse.

  12. I've started out in Genesis & now am in Exodus. Thank you for showing us how you take notes & add to the bible from the commentary with pretty stockpaper or other papers to make it my own.
    I enjoy your videos so much. And I like that you said in one of your videos… paraphrasing " when it gets you into your bible, ect.."
    Thank you Faith❤

  13. That's your speed and you're definitely very excited about it. Personally I wouldn't. I prefer naked scriptures and I ask the Holy Spirit about it that's how I survived the last 7 years

  14. Another good one volume beginner's commentary is the New Bible Commentary. A lot of solid godly evangelical scholars contributed to it like: Don Carson, Alex Motyer, Sinclair Ferguson, T. Desmond Alexander, Derek Kidner, etc.

  15. Thank you for this! I have started reading the Bible and just googling and finding commentary online. I also learnt to ask the Holy Spirit to guide me through the Bible and to teach me. ❤

  16. Before purchasing books of this nature I look up two things:
    The author's denomination; and their eschatology. If they're a dispensationalist, it's a hard pass. Even if you disagree with me there, take note that it's important to use trustworthy sources. And, of course, to keep our wits about us as we read extra-biblical Christian literature.

  17. I found a great resource of maps a few years ago. I am always wondering where certain cities/roads/bodies of water/ etc. are- especially in relation to today's world. I used to use the internet , often failing to locate anything. Then I stumbled on the "Then and Now Bible Maps". It's a small 8×5 1/2" book with maps of ancient major places in the Bible. Then there are clear, plastic overlays which show the modern day names. It's unique and very helpful. I think I found it on Amazon.


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