Ch7 of Pneumatology: Knowing the Holy Spirit by John G Lake (audiobook) “THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST is the greatest …


  1. Power of resurrection come upon you when the spirit baptise you. You rise from old life to New life of jesus Christ. Your character becomes the character of Jesus Christ or else that will not be a baptism from Christ.

  2. It is amazing to me that a person can find one bad thing about someone who spent his entire life in missions and for the service of God and create a judgement. Just amazing. None of us are perfect but to call someone not of God reminds me of the same people that put my Lord on a cross and killed most of His followers.

  3. Be careful of those who judge especially if it is not righteous judgement. Hearsay is not righteous judgement it is hearsay. Those of you without sin cast the first stone.


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