The Azusa Street Revival Documentary (part 5)

Documentary on the miracles of God in 1906.


  1. hi to every brother and sisther in christ. that what america need a touch from the God and from the holy spirit let pray for america and our goverment. let the glory be to God ,the son, and the holy spirit

  2. If you left the front door of your home standing wide open, you are inviting all kinds of critters, animals and thieves to come in and take over. That’s what the Pentecostal movement done in the early 1900’s: They sought for signs, emotional experieces and feelings, that ones was baptized with the Holy Spirit. God never intended for His followers to seek signs and wonders, as evidence of Holy Spirit Baptism. They left the door wide open for the thief to come in with all kinds of deception.

  3. Walking by faith was not enough. They needed an emotional experence something they can feel.Today many desire to feel the presence of God. rather than allow the fruit of righteousness to be the evidence of Holy Spirit Baptism.Jesus never said that the Holy Spirit would give you a feeling. He made it very clear that the comforter would lead you and guide you into all truth. Truth is not a feeling. It’s knowing Christ and His word. We can never understand the word of God by speaking in tongues.

  4. For centuries ecstatic tongues (gibberish), has been a part of idol worship and rituals. It has been found in many cults,Asia and Africa and other parts of the world. This was their way of communicating to their gods. Even to this day, those who practice witchcraft and voodoo speak in ecstatic tongues in their rituals. This is reason to conclude that tongue speaking is evil. Why would God allow His followers to take part in a practice that is common among the worshippers of false gods?

  5. We are justified or condemned by the words we speak. Jesus said in Mat.12:36-37 But I say unto you,That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment . For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. This mean, as Christians we should want to know the meaning of the words we speak. Our words will either justify us or they will condemn us. Isn’t that a good reason to want to understand what you or saying?

  6. Tongue speakers think about this? Faith comes by hearing the word of God right?. Once we hear the word of God: His word becomes our thoughts. Now it’s a known fact that what we hear becomes thoughts, before they can be words spoken.Therefore ecstatic tongue gibberish can never be thoughts, because the words spoken are not understood. So it is impossible for ecstatic tongues to be associated with the word of God. What is heard must be understood in order to know it’s the word of God.

  7. Jesus also said the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost; will lead you and guide you into all truth. Isn’t truth based on understanding the you hear? How can you be guided into all truth ecstatic tongues ? Why would the Holy Spirit have you speaking words you don’t understand? If the Comforter gave you words to speak that you don’t understand, wouldn’t that be deceiving? It is impossible for the comforter, which is the Holy Spirit to deceive anyone if He is to lead you into all truth.

  8. Think about this tongue speakers.There is a heavenly language that is unknown to man.Mankind cannot speak or understand. In 2 Cor. 12: 4 Paul stated he was caught up into the third heaven and he heard heavenly words that were unspeakable to man. Why were the words unspeakable? He said it was unlawful for man to utter them. Here we see Paul makes it very clear that it is unlawful for man to utter (speak) the words of a heavenly language. He stated very plainly they were unspeakable to man.

  9. @inchristforchrist In 1 Cor. 14 Paul strictly condemn tongue speaking.In that chapter he made it very clear that is was more important to speak words that could be understood. I suggest you go back and read the entire chapter very carefully with prayer that the Father will give you understanding of it.

  10. @trobace And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; Mar 16:17
    Isa 28:11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.

  11. @inchristforchrist You miss understood what Paul said. What He was saying is that: If you speak in a language that is unknown to others that hear you; You only edify yourself because they that hear you cannot understand what you are saying. It is impossible for one to speak a language that he himself cannot understand. If the sounds you make from your mouth cannot be understood by no one. It is not a language it is just noise going into the air. prayerfully read these verses 1 Cor.14:6,7,9,10,13

  12. @trobace To be edified is to be enlighten by what is said. How can one be edified by what he himself is saying if he dont understand what he is saying? To make sounds that is not language is no different than acting like the beast of the field. Humans are made in the image of God, with the ability to think and speak. Thinking is strictly based on information that is understood. Dogs, cats, cows etc. they all make sounds and their sounds is not language. Do you want to act like an animal?

  13. @preparinganark Yes you are rightChrist said to his followers that they shall speak with new tongues in order to share the gospel with people of other nations. They spoke with new tongues so that the gospel can be heard in foreign languages. They didnt speak some girberish that cannot be understood.

  14. @trobace To address that In Isaiah 28 it is called the rest werewith he causes the weary to rest. I agree we dont speak giberish. It is for Personal edification. Romans 8:26 tells us that the spirit makes intercession for us, by groaning's. But in assembly, it is to be done in order with interpretation. Paul clearly sets order for this gift. For if it is done out of order, it brings a reproach on the church.

  15. @thecoolestdad Seems like you were having an epiphany (but for you). Nowadays people have short attention spans you lost me @ the first four lines, so maybe you can try putting it in a nutshell-you know – get straight to the point. Ya, we are allowed 500 characters it's not a bad thing to follow the rules.

  16. @thecoolestdad In other words nobody is trying to read what you say-you're too full of yourself, you are a you-tube hog, you're rude and obnoxious-you have an argumentative spirit. So if you want to spread the gospel get your heart and your life right. Clean it up already…

  17. Isaiah 28:11
    King James Version (KJV)
    11 For with stammering lips (Heavenly Language) and another tongue (Earthly Language) will he speak to this people.
    This is an Isaiah prophecy referring to the future church after the day of Pentecost. As you can tell, Isaiah prophesied both stammering lips and foreign tongues.

  18. Who told you that stammering lips mean heavenly language? It means lips with no understanding of what to say. Isaiah was only prophesing that God will use people who had no understanding of what to say. It only meant that God will feed them with understanding of what to say.And that they will speak his word in different languages. Read what happen in the book acts chapter 2

  19. Paul says, King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
    Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
    Tongues of Angels referred in that verse is not a metaphor or a hyperbole. It literally speaks of a Heavenly language.

  20. then how come the word for tongues in the original GREEK in all accounts has the same defintion none of which mentions a "Heavenly language"…..Original Greek…now..that is before man translated it….the way the Bible originally was…there is NO differentiation in tongues……look it up for yourself..please!!

  21. γλῶσσα,n {gloce-sah'}
    1) the tongue, a member of the body, an organ of speech 2) a tongue 1a) the language or dialect used by a particular people distinct from that of other nations

  22. Seek truth everyone!!! do NOT trust the words of man…..Study your Bible..the divine Word of God… the Greek and search out the meanings of these words….Man has confused the churches by all the translations….The Bible contains all the information we need to live our lives for God..but be careful not to listen to those who manipulate the verses to accommodate their the Word for yourself…and pray for the Truth and understanding to be brought to you..

  23. The last of the definitions which you have given states, "the language or dialect used by a particular people distinct from that of other nations". Could this not include a Heavenly language?


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