The Azusa Street Revival Documentary (part 2)

Documentary on the miracles of God in 1906.


  1. Mat. 4:4 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. If unknown tongues is the word of God, how can we live by it if we don’t understand it? ' Jesus said ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. What is truth? His word! To know truth means to understand it. Tongues are not understood? Nothing in life can be more confusing than hearing words that cannot be understood. 1 Corinthians 14:33 'For God is NOT the author of confusion.

  2. My thoughts are not your thoughts saith the Lord. I notice you made a statement that their is an unknown language that a person can speak but not understand? I also notice you had no scripture to back your statement

  3. 1corinthians 14:2 For he that speaketh in an "unknown tongue", speaketh not unto men, but unto God, for no man understandeth him, howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries
    verse 4- he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself, but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.
    the divers tongues/interpretations are in corinth.12: 8-11

  4. I've read some opposing viewpoints to the idea that Seymour had to sit outside the classroom at Parham's school. His niece didn't agree with that that was true. Parham had bucked segregationist practices before.

  5. Biblical tongues were a sign to the Jews. If you read all throughout the bible you will find that God performed signs for the jews. Also anytime the bible mentions tongues it means a human language. Always keep in mind that "For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks require wisdom…" 1 Corinthians 1:22

  6. Then why did God give tongues to the gentiles in Acts 10? Or why did Paul write to the gentile Corinthians that he wished they all spoke with tongues. Or why did Jesus say that these signs would follow all that believe? Salvation was only for the Jews for a time and so were signs, but if salvation is for gentiles then so are the other gifts that come with. Be set free from your fear my friend and get with the program! Why did Paul ask gentiles in Eph if they had received the HS since believing?

  7. interesting that you separate the tongues as a prayer language and the tongues as a known language…because if you study a Greek(original) Bible….the word glossa is given for anytime tongues is used..and the SAME DEFINITION IS FOR ALL INSTANCES!!!..

  8. unknown and divers is a difference. the word tongues is the same meaning. unknown is when I am praying and it sounds like gibberish to our ears. there is no known interpretation. divers is "different" as in known languages such as german or french and i should pray for interpretation

  9. Matt I believe that what happened then, was just a glimpse of what is about to come. That was like the beginning brook breaking out of the ground and flowing. I think we will see it become a river!

  10. Compare usage and reference the Bauer Arndt Gingrich Greek – English Lexicon of the NT, and you'll find the word you're all excited about is used approximately 50-50 between language unknown and specific languages. Both sides add to their post facto theological advantage, and both sides are right.

  11. There are no scriptures in the original Greek that refer to "unknown tongues." In the King James Version, which errantly translates the Greek word "glosse"(Strong's G1100)which literally means "language,"into the TWO-word phrase "unknown tongues," the word "unknown" is in italics, which means that it was added by the translators, and not found in the Greek manuscripts. There was no such thing as an "unknown tongue." The tongue-speaking phenomena was simply the spirit causing people to speak actual languages that they never before mastered or learned. That's why in the book of Acts when the holy spirit was sent, everyone knew the various dialects that were spoken, and noticed that they were coming from people whom they knew didn't speak that particular language. It never was, nor didn't it BECOME the current counterfeit of speaking gibberrish


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