The Azusa Street Possession (Pentecostal Spirit)

to Learn How To Get To Heaven From Jacksonville, FL Sermon exposing the false prophets William …


  1. Pentecostalism and charismania is just wandering in the desert…its junk food. Find a solid biblical church and learn your bible and study it prayer fully…all the rest is just quackery and strange fire.

  2. The Lord gave me the gift of tongues in my driveway at 4am .. and I couldn't speak English for 2hours ..
    He's taking scripture and bending the context to fit his personal narrative not biblical Truth,
    Gifts were given unto men , they are irrevocable and without repentance
    People were chosen before the foundations of the world he never said I chose people only for the day of Pentecostthese gifts and calls have been on people's lives before they were ever born from then to now on and forever tell the coming of Christ we have been in the last day since the day of Pentecostso only expect more prophesying more miracles signs and wonders and gifts and calls to be revealed in people's lives more than ever especially the fivefold ministry coming back to unity in the body of Christ!

  3. You are a liar,and need correction.
    You are telling tales about Godly men over 100 years ago.
    Parnum am was never convicted of this accusation.
    You must realize you are treading on dangerous ground.
    Be careful you do not commit a sin that will not be forgiven.
    Your doctrine is flawed.
    The Holy Spirit is God,tread carefully.
    You have a Spirit of stupid.

  4. How Stupid is it to say believing the full Gospel you are not saved.
    FULL GOSPEL means the entire Word of God.
    What about the Samaritans?
    Phillip the Evalangest preached salvation to them,they were Baptized in water,so tell us why Peter and John had to go down to Samaria to impart the Holy Ghost?
    I was raised in a Baptist Church and I never heard such bitterness.
    You need to grow up boy.
    This world is falling to Hell and your mocking Pennacostals way to go Baalam.

  5. If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two or at most three, and each in turn, and let someone interpret. But if there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God.
    1 Corinthians 14:27-28

  6. Whoa there "pastor" you're calling Christians unbelievers and saying that they're fools which is a big bible no no, first off of they call upon the name of Jesus they shall be saved(regardless of doctrinal differences) secondly anyone who calls his brother or sister you fool shall be in danger of hell fire, therefore I submit that it is you who are in league with demons sir and I suggest you fall to your knees this moment as you are a true judge of the saints the bible says the accuser of the brethren is the devil, I couldn't watch anymore of your heresy sir because that's all this is.

  7. This is a cacophony of lies. I experienced a powerful transformation of God 30 years ago in a Pentecostal church that changed my life forever turned my drug addicted life around and delivered me from self destruction. I know I did not receive a spirit from demon forces of any kind. It was the transformational power of God that was so very present in that church service and many others that I have been in. And later a man of God in prayer laid hands on me and like rivers of living water words of another language began to come up out of my spirit and through my mouth as I spoke in an unknown tongue. I had no desire to impress anyone but the power of God was very real it was not demonic. My only desire after that was to win souls for Christ tell me how that is of demons. You curse that what you do not understand

  8. Much of what this guy says is spot on. But a few of his remarks are not good or true.

    Some Pentecostals ARE saved as they have trusted Jesus as their Savior. But they are currently misguided. God can bring them out of this, just like He did for me.

    And as to being demon possessed … maybe some of the leaders. But it's not good to broadly paint all with the same brush. The Lord Jesus KNOWS who belongs to Him. Let everyone who names the Name of Christ, depart from iniquity.

  9. God chooses tongues bc in James it says our tongue is the most unruly member of our being. When God had control of our tongues we have submitted our entire being. The book of Acts is the where the first church started. We are still in the church age/dispensation of grace. Did God call you to talk smack about and judge others? There was much i did not understand until I learned to rightly divide the word of truth. It wasn’t until then that much revelation came to me.

  10. Corinthians 14:1-33. Furthermore how many languages and dialects are there in the world, how many of them do you know unless the metrics are the few some people know or recognize such as English, French, Spanish… however I believe the interpretation of the tongues/languages are as important as speaking in tongues. God bless

  11. To those who rebuke this guy a lot he says is right, but notice wolves exposing wolves is the trend of the 21st Century. But he is NOT speaking against God but against false revival, so maybe he IS doing what God has shown him to do in exposing.

  12. No. The speaking in tongues is not a lie. The next coming revival will be greater than when the apostles was here and if you don’t believe it then you sure won’t be used. Sorry guys but this guy is wrong.

  13. You used Strong Launge . Which is a sin . You're spot in then you're repeating a strong language . I rebuke you .and am hopeful you clean up you're sermon . Because you have so much truth . It needs shared.

  14. We must pray for unbelievers as this that are afraid of the Holy Spirit because we want them to recieve salvation.
    According to what Jesus said, saying that healing, casting out devils, and anything else of the Spirit evil, is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. We must be careful what we call evil. Pray about this and ask God about it I beg of you. Please don't just lean on your own understanding. The wisdom of Solomon,(givn by the Holy Spirit) told us specifically not to do this.
    Be blessed in Jesus name

  15. It’s already been said in sorts and this is a old video. But this man is arrogant and ignorant to what he he speaking. He puts down all in areas that don’t believe as he does. His great points are overshadowed by hatred. He is talking about the Gift of the Holy Spirit as being able to learn other language. The Gift of Tongues is the ability from the spirit at a given time to speak to someone in the language of that person so they understand.

    He also continues to say that Pentecostals aren’t saved because of the tongues issue. But stated that as long as you call on the name of Jesus then you are saved. Not all Pentecostal rely on the tongues gift as a sign if someone is saved.

    Also keeps saying it’s to preach the Gospel but never says what the gospel is. Because he believes these secondary issues are part of the Gospel.

  16. At least 3 of the people I know who speak in tongues – lie too much – they practice mysticism- they love to be called prophets – love the prosperity gospel- believe in false profecy – they are deceived- in dangerous Error- Yes its all emotional- they don't like to study the Bible- they like talking more about their dreams and what others say about them and think of them to be men and women of GOD. They Lie too much!

  17. Thank you Sir… I have been sent this from a british Friend in Uganda Africa…
    I am in the UK 🇬🇧,
    Brilliant First Class Truth…
    I have been saved, since I was 7 years old, and I thought I was a pentecostal, but actually I believe in Jesus Christ alone… Yes I speak in tounge…. But I hardly use it, because I believe its only for me to speak to Almighty God, on my own…

    Bless you Sir and thank you for opening the Truth to me and us , about this pentecostal abominations

  18. Brother,
    You will have to answer before God for your accusations tinged with racism and hatred. You insult the memory of all these whites who, against all odds, in the midst of a period of segregation and racism poisoning the white population, God chose a black man by succeeding in uniting more whites than blacks over the years within of this movement and powerful awakening. So you confirm that both blacks and whites are all howling, barking animals like dogs, etc.? Also, keep in mind that Pastor Seymour was trained by a white pastor. You will solve the problem with the Father because as the Lord Jesus said: Matthew 12
    …25As Jesus knew their thoughts, he said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is desolate, and every city or house divided against itself cannot stand. 26If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then shall his kingdom stand? 27And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, your sons, by whom do they cast them out? That is why they themselves will be your judges.… Repent brother for the racists, haters, jealous and calmnieurs, among others, will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. God is Love and he loves all his creatures from Adam, a black man made of black earth and not with white sand or white chalk. Amen Whether you like it or not all of humanity came from Adam who was logically black. May God bless you abundantly in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


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