The Synopsis: God has created us for a purpose. We are not on earth for an experiment. We are here for specific assignments.


  1. All women all men all girls all boys when God speaks to you about your future husband your future wife listen to what God is telling you he's telling me what he can see and hear before you can he knows the future all he want you to do is wait on him

  2. Music is drowning the movie a bit have the raise the volume and whatever gadget you using to hear what the people are saying the music is ok just it's drowning out the people a bit when they are speaking

  3. I don't understand why she's saying that is he the holy spirit told her not to get married to this man because he is on save you cannot get somebody save in a marriage it is God who save

  4. As a child growing up we were only taught use God's name in prayer thankfulness and worship a fine that in the movies Jesus Christ name is use very loosely even in the Christian movies why is his name you so loosely can someone explain

  5. It what have nice be nice to see his two friends got save are you starting his ministry and also his mum being saved as well is there a part two to this movie I must say in the beginning of the movie it was a bit uncomfortable but I guess are you a guest trying to show not to be disobedient to God he the Holy Spirit just goes to show always obey God no matter what the outcome God is always victorious again I asked is there a part two to this movie

  6. Powerful film. Every believer must watch this film. We must continue to stay connected with the Holy Spirit. He is the best. How I love the Holy Spirit. God bless you all for this ministration. More grace upon your lives 🙏🏿.

  7. Great movie with a lot of lessons shared. However, the sound at the background throughout the movie was not helpful. May God bless you all for sharing the message of salvation through this movie. You are saving souls….

  8. As a Christian I do agree on the importance of being led by the Holy Spirit when choosing a life partner. But no one should be subjected to stay in an abusive and life threatening marriage .The God we serve is merciful.

  9. Indeed God loves us , merciful and gracious to us.🙏🏿🙏🏿
    Part of my story,…en the guy was called Dan😳🥺.
    I learnt it more never to take God's counsel and warning for granted.

    Good i listened by His grace,
    Abroken relationship is better than abroken marriage and bearing consequences that can't be imagined.
    Am achild of light.

    Saint if God calls it dark it's dark don't argue with Him🙏🏿🙏🏿.

  10. This is a reminder that before choosing a life partner, your assignment should come first, as God will not only give you His desire life partner when your assignment is known and accepted by you, He will ensure the one He chooses for you supports your divine assignment. Well done everyone and more grace in Jesus Mighty name.

  11. Our God is full of intent. When He made us, He had a particular agenda for our lives. When we live any kind of way and do not consult Him for our God-given assignment, we can easily miss His continual blessings. Ephesians 1:11 tells us "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will." (NKJV)

    According to God's purpose, each of us has been predestined for a certain end result. He knew our destiny even before our beginning. So, why not come to Him, open our hearts to Him, and seek Him for His will…along with guidance from the Holy Spirit to carry out His will? Spending time with God in this way is definitely worth it. We can pursue fulfilling God's purpose through our lives if we would come to Him, persistently.

    The Lord is our inheritance. We should experience and enjoy Him throughout each day. "[F]or the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:17 (NKJV)

  12. This is why we need to ask God first ..take it to him ,far as an partner …cause we have a lot of fakers ,in church playing like they ,there for the lord ..but there trufully not…and make sure some of these men,don't have bad track record in church far as trying to talk to other women….


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