“The Arena” Arena is the story of love,sacrifice, resilience, redemption, friendship and commitment that will surely bless and …


  1. 😭😭😭Uhmmmmmm!!!!! BUT, Why using the GRAVEN IMAGES? We, EVANGELICAL Christians. ARE NOT idols worshippers. To be a missionary……..needs to be anointed for the ASSIGNMENT. WOW!!!! This is not an easy road ooooo But, our Heavenly Father IS Faithful. Ayayayayaye. …..grace, patience….etc. Hallelujaaaah!

  2. Africans/Nigerians

    **LEADERS *|| Are we helping our youth or?
    *Are we aiding them to achieve their goals or?
    *Are we destined creators to our young men and women or destined destroyers?

    Kindly, watch these videos and *let it go virological: Arena*.

    May the Lord help us to fulfill our assignments in this wicked world before departing from this cruel planet..

    *Trash *
    At the end, a lot of things we are holding tightly onto will grow old, dispose and if not ONE day GOD will gather all, trash and be burnt with fire..


    2 Peter 3:10
    But the day of the LORD WILL COME like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat,
    and the earth and its works will be BURNED up.

    Starting from now, please, let's think of how we can help our young people, especially those of them that reside in our villages.

    As you made up your mind to HELP May the KING of kings and LORD of lords meet you at the point of your needs soonest in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST we pray. Amen!

    *Thank you *

  3. What a beautiful movie 🍿
    So inspiring and life changing for the better

    Watched, forwarded virological and encouraged watchers to please forward.

    Praying someone will arise and help our young people, especially in our remote communities. Amen!

    Thank you ALL so very much for such a thoughtful and helpful execution…



    **LEADERS *|| Are we helping our youth or?
    *Are we aiding them to achieve their goals or?
    *Are we destined creators to our young men and women or destined destroyers?

    Kindly, watch these videos and *let it go virological: Arena*.

    May the Lord help us to fulfill our assignments in this wicked world before departing from this cruel planet..

    *Trash *
    At the end, a lot of things we are holding tightly onto will grow old, dispose and if not ONE day GOD will gather all, trash and be burnt with fire..


    2 Peter 3:10
    But the day of the LORD WILL COME like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat,
    and the earth and its works will be BURNED up.

    Starting from now, please, let's think of how we can help our young people, especially those of them that reside in our villages.

    As you made up your mind to HELP May the KING of kings and LORD of lords meet you at the point of your needs soonest in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST we pray. Amen!

    *Thank you *


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