I would have to disagree with you on your last sentence. This guys prophecies might have not come true during his lifetime, but our time is not YHWH's time. Africa will be the continent that changes the world to the better
Don't be too quick to judge. This 300,000 and Africa first then India and vice versa was said for a reason. God allowed it to happen. By all means Rev. William Branham remains a true Prophet of God at the end time. Check out this, Jesus Himself speaking,
For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew:12:40 Jesus said it, but did He stay for 3 days and 3 nights? Jesus died past the ninth hour of Friday and rose in the morning of Sunday. Did He go wrong by saying three days and nights. Remember this is the LORD Himself. Did He fail in His Prophecy? No. You can't question the LORD, He knows the reason he said it. I believe God allows such things to keep off the goats. I hope it helps you all. Shalom.
Remember he has also prophecy 7 end time prophecies and six has fullfil ok that is anough to prove that he is a true prophet, what God has prove nobody can disprove, william branham ramains the malachi 4:5-6 And revelation 10:7 ok
I believe the prophecy will still come to pass by was not meant to be fulfilled through him. That was a true man of God. He made a mistake and admitted it which many don’t do. God bless his soul ??
We stand here, nothing but the Word of God laying here before us, God Hisself. We’re in His Presence before five or six hundred people or more, I guess, and whatever the little place seats. And here we are. It did before five hundred thousand one time, three hundred thousand another time, and hundreds of thousands other times, all kinds of nations and peoples and tongues. See? It has to go everywhere. He has to declare Himself before He comes. 61-0311 – Be Not Afraid Rev. William Marrion Branham
Christ is the Solid Rock, I have a prophetic word for you, Jehovah has spoken to me concerning you. He is telling me that you are making a mistake coming against his final prophet to the church. He is telling me it is through your own prayers that you will be punished.
Bro Brahman ministry has been the ministry of Jesus Christ all through and it will never change. His life was cut short before he accomplished his commission.So it doesn't matter wheather the vision took place or not.
Oh my Goodness .l pray for your soul.You missed the mark my brother. do not try to mislead people .Thus saith the Lord is thus Saith the Lord dont ever question it.
What you are doing now is called Criticism. William Branham is a prophet of God and you should know that. Highlighting this doesn't make him less of who he is. As you said, he died in an accident before he could visit SA again… And if I am right, I discovered that he was going through a hard time in his relationship with God along this time in his ministry… he is human. His explanation simply means that he accepts that God cannot be wrong, but the fault was from him. Which is true. William Branham was a prophet of God and I bless God for his life. You should focus more on the good God used him to do and stop doing this with your channel.
We have so many people criticizing and looking for mistakes just like they tried to look for reasons to criticize Jesus,it happens.But that doesn't change the truth that William Branham was a true prophet vindicated from God.I don't regret believing the truth he preached because it has made God a reality to me.We are not afraid of critics they're here to stay. You look for things like 1977 prophecy and William Branham said he's predicting not prophesying.So keep looking for critism but it will never change anything
Why is it Prophecy for Africa? I don't see anything so special in the so called Prophecy. Africa wasn't in Need of so called missionaries, African knew their God better than the so called people who went to civilise sausages ? give me a break ?.
What difference the missionaries did concerning Apartheid in South Africa? The only thing I know is that they all were in cooperation with the oppression over African, in every African country. Please don't make it feel, they were there for the African interest. Missionaries and Colonisation worked together…
Jehovah’s witnesses had many such failed prophecies about the end of the word.
William branham is a true prophet from God
Do not be deceived
I would have to disagree with you on your last sentence. This guys prophecies might have not come true during his lifetime, but our time is not YHWH's time. Africa will be the continent that changes the world to the better
Don't be too quick to judge. This 300,000 and Africa first then India and vice versa was said for a reason. God allowed it to happen. By all means Rev. William Branham remains a true Prophet of God at the end time. Check out this, Jesus Himself speaking,
For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Jesus said it, but did He stay for 3 days and 3 nights?
Jesus died past the ninth hour of Friday and rose in the morning of Sunday. Did He go wrong by saying three days and nights. Remember this is the LORD Himself. Did He fail in His Prophecy? No. You can't question the LORD, He knows the reason he said it. I believe God allows such things to keep off the goats. I hope it helps you all. Shalom.
Remember he has also prophecy 7 end time prophecies and six has fullfil ok that is anough to prove that he is a true prophet, what God has prove nobody can disprove, william branham ramains the malachi 4:5-6 And revelation 10:7 ok
I believe the prophecy will still come to pass by was not meant to be fulfilled through him. That was a true man of God. He made a mistake and admitted it which many don’t do. God bless his soul ??
Shame u to late sir
We stand here, nothing but the Word of God laying here before us, God Hisself. We’re in His Presence before five or six hundred people or more, I guess, and whatever the little place seats. And here we are. It did before five hundred thousand one time, three hundred thousand another time, and hundreds of thousands other times, all kinds of nations and peoples and tongues. See? It has to go everywhere. He has to declare Himself before He comes.
61-0311 – Be Not Afraid
Rev. William Marrion Branham
It did happen.. Sir u blind that why u did not find it that 300,000 vision did happen
Christ is the Solid Rock, I have a prophetic word for you, Jehovah has spoken to me concerning you. He is telling me that you are making a mistake coming against his final prophet to the church. He is telling me it is through your own prayers that you will be punished.
He came to durban southafrica and it wase powerful 300.000 peoples were here so baba what's your problem doyou want something ?
No prophet is born before or after like prophet William Marion Brahman, if you know God surely you know him, your debate or argument
Bro Brahman ministry has been the ministry of Jesus Christ all through and it will never change. His life was cut short before he accomplished his commission.So it doesn't matter wheather the vision took place or not.
My grandfather went to his church
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for sending us Brother Branham to bring to us the Message of OUR day
Oh my Goodness .l pray for your soul.You missed the mark my brother. do not try to mislead people .Thus saith the Lord is thus Saith the Lord dont ever question it.
Just like Pharaoh your heart will continue to be hardened so you can get a punishment from God
What you are doing now is called Criticism. William Branham is a prophet of God and you should know that. Highlighting this doesn't make him less of who he is. As you said, he died in an accident before he could visit SA again… And if I am right, I discovered that he was going through a hard time in his relationship with God along this time in his ministry… he is human. His explanation simply means that he accepts that God cannot be wrong, but the fault was from him. Which is true. William Branham was a prophet of God and I bless God for his life. You should focus more on the good God used him to do and stop doing this with your channel.
We have so many people criticizing and looking for mistakes just like they tried to look for reasons to criticize Jesus,it happens.But that doesn't change the truth that William Branham was a true prophet vindicated from God.I don't regret believing the truth he preached because it has made God a reality to me.We are not afraid of critics they're here to stay.
You look for things like 1977 prophecy and William Branham said he's predicting not prophesying.So keep looking for critism but it will never change anything
Tree of knowledge
i lov you man of God
Why is it Prophecy for Africa? I don't see anything so special in the so called Prophecy. Africa wasn't in Need of so called missionaries, African knew their God better than the so called people who went to civilise sausages ? give me a break ?.
What difference the missionaries did concerning Apartheid in South Africa? The only thing I know is that they all were in cooperation with the oppression over African, in every African country. Please don't make it feel, they were there for the African interest. Missionaries and Colonisation worked together…