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  1. So inspirational, interesting, endtime preaching, demanding and compelling us to go back to our first love for God. Thank you so much for making me to share tears of waking me up to be firm in standing for the truth and say no to sinful acts, even in the midst of trials and temptations

  2. I couldn't hold my tears because l have once in life been in Mr. Abraham's position, thank God for HIS grace that is always sufficient for us.
    Uncountable Christians in the world are going through what Mr. Abraham went through, l pray God to deliver them from the spirit of lack in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 🙏
    Surprise package of unexpected blessings from God will be ours in Jesus Name 🙏
    Congratulations 👏 Mr. Abraham. It pays to serve God. Joshua, congrats. David l rejoice with you with your 'buga" steps 😁 Thanks and God bless you all 🙏

  3. Father GOD help me to keep holding on please strengthen me all the days of my life please keep me standing dear JESUS because you are the only one that can keep me from falling Jude1 v24"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy" Amen

  4. The love of David's father to his children is really reflecting the love of the Father in heaven in this message. Integrity in life availeth much and David's father reaped the fruit. This movie speaks volumes for Jesus the King!!! Tears of joy rolled down my eyes because of this victorious ending! Glory be to God!!!

  5. This is a must watch movie for every believer. Faithfulness and patience are virtues of the fruit of the Spirit, which I think is the message of this movie. Keep on, Mount Zion. God has given you the nations for Jesus

  6. This is so inspiring. I pray God in whatever situation I found myself, give me Grace to remember d scripture that suit d situation. I pray for more inspiration, revelations of messages unto Mount Zion Ministry, none of you will miss HEAVEN IJN Amen.

  7. 😁😄EXCELLENT!!! Lord give us the grace to keep our eyes, hearts, and minds stayed on You, the Author and Finisher of our faith! Love the soundtrack. Blessings upon blessings!!!❤


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