1)Be fruitful- Be productive 2)Multiply – Reproduce 3)Replenish- Distribute 4)Subdue – Control Market 5)Dominate- RESULT – Have Dominion- Impact environment
42:25 money doesn't make you rich: productivity does. 45:58 Every problem is a business. 49:10 what you cannot multiply, you can never succeed in. 50:02 If you're going to be successful in business, you can be able to distribute your product. 51:26 If do not control the market, you will die poor 52:12 Subdue means when anybody wants a product like yours, you're the first person they think about. 55:29 Microsoft dominates :Apple dominates.What are you going to dominate? 57:47 The world needs your seed, but the world doesn't eat seeds. There's your dilemma.The world eats fruit.So God says produce something. And finally , your business is your seed.
SOURCE OF BUSINESS 58:53 You were born to solve a problem. 59:08 You are God's response to a need he created. I am God's response to a need he created 59:21 You are the answer to a question God knew would be asked in your generation. I am the answer to the question God knew would be asked in my generation. 59:39 You are the fulfilment of one of God's desires. I am the fulfilment of one of God's desires. 59:54 You are an assignment your generation needs to experience. I am an assignment my generation needs to experience. 1:00:12 You are necessary. I am necessary. 1:00:25 Put it on your children's wall and let them repeat it every morning
Earthly success has nothing to do with the kingdom of God, scripture does not obligate us earthly successit, it is all vanity and it perishes, The gospel of success is a lie.
Wow!!! Thank you Jesus!! I will rewatch it, will type this and hand it in my room and all of my siblings’ room. I will start implementing this from today!!! The only sad thing is you won’t get to see my pink bag of cookies ??
This message is powerful! I took 11 pages of notes. I cannot really work today as there builders in my house. so I found this message, found a corner in the house and decided to make notes. It took me 2 hours to get to the end as I kept stopping and replying and clipping for a entrepreneurs project at my church. I was really blessed. A few lessons here to implement in my own business. Dr Myles messages never get old. What a legacy!
Everything we need to succeed as leaders is in God’s Word. The world is using these principles and succeeding big while many in the Body of Christ are struggling with lack and poverty. This is a teaching every kingdom of heaven citizen on earth needs to listen to. Great and impactful teaching. ??????
❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?This is amazing. I needed this thank you so much. My baby brother sent me this and I jumped right on it. So happy I did❣️??❤️❤️❤️❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?
Amen …… I am coming out of proverty and go into betterment. Raise the lord
So be it …Amen
A mentor of mentors
C vcd
Every time I listen to Dr. Miles Video I learn something new! Fruitful (;Productive)
Dr.Myles Munroe you continue to live even in your death.
You continue to impact many lives.
Myles Munro, Great Teacher ? Am always learning.."My seed is the idea that won't quit"
This is simply awesome. What is the name of the cookie ladie's business?
This man is a blessing to the world!!! Thank you god for giving us Dr. Monroe!!!
Ooh this message touched me deep. Am gonna discover and be a full testimony of my seed
The difference between the poor and the rich is how they see things. Vision is what differentiates them.
Lord you made me discover this gem,,praise be to you as you make us fruitful
Lord help me to apply this knowledge
God is so good!
Cookie lady❤️????
HalleluYah!!! I receive it!! 6/27/22
03/07/2022 power
A leader who can’t inspire you will manipulate you and toy with your emotions_ Dr Myles
Man left a legacy . Defs applying this to my business
Wow this was amazing from genesis at that Amen
Nice video
My Mentor your words have changed me for the better
Live forever Dr. Myles Munroe. God has used you to transform my whole life.
When you start a business brace yourself because it WILL BE three or four different hell’s that break loose.
1)Be fruitful- Be productive
2)Multiply – Reproduce
3)Replenish- Distribute
4)Subdue – Control Market
5)Dominate- RESULT – Have
Dominion- Impact environment
42:25 money doesn't make you rich: productivity does.
45:58 Every problem is a business.
49:10 what you cannot multiply, you can never succeed in.
50:02 If you're going to be successful in business, you can be able to distribute your product.
51:26 If do not control the market, you will die poor
52:12 Subdue means when anybody wants a product like yours, you're the first person they think about.
55:29 Microsoft dominates :Apple dominates.What are you going to dominate?
57:47 The world needs your seed, but the world doesn't eat seeds. There's your dilemma.The world eats fruit.So God says produce something. And finally , your business is your seed.
58:45 There's room for you in world.
58:53 You were born to solve a problem.
59:08 You are God's response to a need he created. I am God's response to a need he created
59:21 You are the answer to a question God knew would be asked in your generation.
I am the answer to the question God knew would be asked in my generation.
59:39 You are the fulfilment of one of God's desires.
I am the fulfilment of one of God's desires.
59:54 You are an assignment your generation needs to experience.
I am an assignment my generation needs to experience.
1:00:12 You are necessary.
I am necessary.
1:00:25 Put it on your children's wall and let them repeat it every morning
Wow!!!!……God help me to work on this great message……Glory to GOD here!!!
Earthly success has nothing to do with the kingdom of God, scripture does not obligate us earthly successit, it is all vanity and it perishes,
The gospel of success is a lie.
Am just so Blessed ? changed by this message….and mentoring a lesson for life.
I was born to master something.
Wow!!! Thank you Jesus!! I will rewatch it, will type this and hand it in my room and all of my siblings’ room. I will start implementing this from today!!! The only sad thing is you won’t get to see my pink bag of cookies ??
Superb and thought provoking
This message is powerful! I took 11 pages of notes. I cannot really work today as there builders in my house. so I found this message, found a corner in the house and decided to make notes. It took me 2 hours to get to the end as I kept stopping and replying and clipping for a entrepreneurs project at my church. I was really blessed. A few lessons here to implement in my own business. Dr Myles messages never get old. What a legacy!
Everything we need to succeed as leaders is in God’s Word. The world is using these principles and succeeding big while many in the Body of Christ are struggling with lack and poverty. This is a teaching every kingdom of heaven citizen on earth needs to listen to. Great and impactful teaching. ??????
I have a SEES ?✊
My mentor . Thank God for you.
This is so powerful,just came across this video while at work and I really took some notes and will indeed produce my seed
Ready Ready
I've mastered my trading strategy… now i have people looking for me: it's amazing
❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?This is amazing. I needed this thank you so much. My baby brother sent me this and I jumped right on it. So happy I did❣️??❤️❤️❤️❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?
WOW!!! PRAISE GOD!!! I’m just a Cookie Lady!
My goodness
Powerful. I'll come back to my comment in the future, the step has been laid
Love the message but I researched the Tom Mcan story and it's not true ?
An inspiring message to transform humanity from poverty to riches. Thank you Dr Myles for speaking into my life. Rest in peace, my mentor.
I love every message of Dr Myles
This message is really powerful, so timeless