Doug Wilson reacts to the trailer for “God + Country” a film about Christian Nationalism by Rob Reiner and featuring David French …


  1. I often go over to the Holy Post to hear what the other side thinks, and their form of gaslighting is saying that Conservatives worship politics—namely Trump. Excuse me? And they don't? Every chance liberal churches get to have an Al Gore speak in their pulpit and take verses out of context to promote their political cause, they do it! But that's not making an idol out of politics—only Conservatives do that—Give me a break!

  2. This is what Sunday Christianity gets for idolizing Jesus, instead of who they are instructed to seek…..God.
    The horrible hilarity of the vast majority being the willing deliberate subject of 1John 2:3-4.
    Under grace?
    Even graceful liars are eligible for salvation.

  3. This is yet another example of the switching of definitions, so that the average person will be thrown off the trail of truth. They have (successfully?) redefigned key words and phrases to their profit and advantage. The father of lies is subtle and well versed at leading them into more error…the only antidote is God's truth.

  4. Given the history of the world and the way America has given so much power to the Federal Government, I have realized that Authoritarianism is inevitable no matter how free a society claims or aims to be. BTW, I see nothing wrong with a Protestant possessing crucifixes, I own several and I’m a Presbyterian.

  5. God has Ordained two Institutions in the Earth…The Church and Civil Governments…To hold that the Church can Ignore Civil Government is to hold to only One of the Tablets of the Ten Commandments. Like the Church and the State the two tablets came from God. One Tablet containing the Religious Commands of God and the Other Tablet Containing the Moral Commands of God.
    Christians can no longer take a passive role in Civil Government because the Children of Darkness always fill the Void. George Washington said. "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence. Government is Force and like Fire is a Dangerous Servant and Fearful Master."

  6. You make a great point that Christ's earthly family fled a baby murdering autocrat in King Herod, what parallels with those in power now! The Russell Moore's, Phil Vischer's and so many other professing "christians," are the Pharisees of the day. They make much of little things and swallow the camels of cultural depravity while straining the gnats of imperfection in faithful, doctrinally sound Christ-followers.

  7. I need to share this personal true testimony. God told me this story is important for the evil atheist demoncrats to hear but I hope it edifies all the super loving Christians as well as my fellow Saints and Trump supporters. I was doing my morning ocean swim in shallow water when I was attacked by a shark and I barely made it back to shore. A large part of my thigh was missing and I was losing so much blood…I knew I was a goner and would never be able to make it for help. But then out of nowhere a surfer showed up, he looked exactly like Jesus, the white version. On that day I witnessed one set of foot prints in the sand leading away from where I laid. I called out…"hey Jesus looking dude…are you just going to just leave me here"? And he said.."do you know how much you weigh…hell yeah". And then I died. But don't worry I came back three days later. Proof! How could I have written this if I didn't come back from the dead? The End. By the way, I did find the Jesus looking dude after I came back from the dead. Ironically his name was Jesus but with the Spanish pronunciation. He was in awe of my miracle recovery from death and has become one of my apostles. I am sure my story will be written about in about a hundred years. Now is a great time to get in on the ground floor…I am sure there is a lot of money to be made.ere now is my personal testimony.

  8. it's neat how the antichrists have to remove/distort/hide/censor/deplatform/debunk the facts when they make the case for their side.
    It's almost like their consciences accuse them…
    God bless you all!

    Rebuttal to film: what's your problem with obeying God?

  9. As a christian from europe, i really hope you christian nationalists will get your own corner in heaven, you can call it US-corner or whatever. Just stay away from all other christians please you disgust us anyway.


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